Jean l'Ours and the Ogre, illustration from 'Contes Roses de ma Grand-Mere' by Charles-Robert Dumas, published by Boivin, Paris 1914 (colour litho), Lalau, Maurice (1881-1961) / Bridgeman Images
Jean-L'Ours in flight, illustration from 'Contes Roses de ma Mere-Grand', by Charles Robert-Dumas, published by Boivin in Paris, 1914 (colour litho), Lalau, Maurice (1881-1961) / Bridgeman Images
Unless the King would send his nephew out of the country, they would retire into their castles (colour litho), Lalau, Maurice (1881-1961) / Bridgeman Images
Then the two on foot, with shattered shields and hauberks unbuckled, defied and assailed each other (colour litho), Lalau, Maurice (1881-1961) / Bridgeman Images
Eighteen days from that time, having convoked all his barons, he took Iseult the Fair to wife (colour litho), Lalau, Maurice (1881-1961) / Bridgeman Images