Head and shoulders of a young girl, her hair plaited round the back of her head, wearing a necklace, 1667-70 (red & black chalk, pen and brown ink, w/c on laid paper), Dolci, Carlo (1616-86) / Bridgeman Images
Christ in the Garden of Olives Painting by Carlo Dolci (1616-1686) 17th century Genes, Musei di Strada Nuova (ex Palazzo Rosso), Dolci, Carlo (1616-86) / Bridgeman Images
Jesus Child taking the cross of St. Joseph. Painting by Carlo Dolci (1616-1686). Oil on canvas. Italian school. Musee des beaux Arts - Palais Longchamp, Merseille., Dolci, Carlo (1616-86) / Bridgeman Images
Head and shoulders of Elisabetta Dolci, 1667-70 (red & black chalk, pen and brown ink, w/c on laid paper), Dolci, Carlo (1616-86) / Bridgeman Images
Head and shoulders of Agata Dolci, 1667-70 (red and black chalk, pen and brown ink, w/c on laid paper), Dolci, Carlo (1616-86) / Bridgeman Images