Irises, one of a pair of six-section folding screens ('byobu'), c.1705 (ink and colour on paper with gold leaf background), Korin, Ogata (1658-1716) / Bridgeman Images
Thunder God Raijin and Wind God Fujin, four panel folding screen, c.1700 (colour on gold leafed paper), Korin, Ogata (1658-1716) / Bridgeman Images
Cranes, Pines, and Bamboo, 17th century, pair of folding screens (ink and light color on paper), Korin, Ogata (1658-1716) / Bridgeman Images
Landscape: Mt. Fuji from the sea, Hanging scroll (mounted on panel), late 17th-early 18th century (ink on paper), Korin, Ogata (1658-1716) / Bridgeman Images
Fan; on one side Narihira and the pilgrim; on the other, chrysanthemums and a brook, Edo period, late 17th- early 18th century (ink, colour & gold on paper), Korin, Ogata (1658-1716) / Bridgeman Images