Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) Assets (125 in total)
The little grey coated figure of the soldier's hero, from A History of France published by Henry Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton, c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
"So soon as my standard touches that wall, you shall enter the fort", c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Francis stood hesitant for a moment, wit the big brown bowl, with which he was to play, balanced in his broad palm, c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Gunpowder treason and plot. They glanced fearfully in the direction of the sound, c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
In dead silence they waited, while little Handel went on playing, utterly unaware of their presence , c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
The dragon was indeed a terrible beast, illustration from My Book of Beautiful Legends pub. by Cassell & Company 1930's (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
He set them adrift upon the wide ocean, illustration from My Book of Beautiful Legends pub. by Cassell & Company 1930's (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
"Buy from us with a golden curl" (Goblin Market), illustration from My Book of Stories from the Poets pub. by Cassells c.1930's (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Spine design, illustration from My Book of Beautiful Legends pub. by Cassell & Company 1930's (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
"Away went Gilpin's horse, and away went Gilpin on his back, through the streets of London town" (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
The two little princes stood together, looking out through their window , c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
"Inside the turrets the men were working steadily, stripped to the waist" (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
With one blow Pepin cut off the lions head and with a second the bull's, from A History of France published by Henry Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton, c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images
Proud Roland did at length sound his horn, from A History of France published by Henry Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton, c.1920 (colour litho), Michael, Arthur C. (1881-1965) / Bridgeman Images