The New Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert," launched by the Duchess of York at Pembroke Dockyard (chromolitho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrival at Cowes of the German Emperor on Board his Yacht, the "Hohenzollern" (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Spanish Torpedo Boat Flotilla under Captain Villaamil which assembled at Cape Verde Islands (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Imperial Tour, H M S "Ophir," escorted by H M S "Juno" and H M S "St George," in the Indian Ocean (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
L'Entente Cordiale: The Royal Yacht Victoria & Albert III reviewing the Anglo-French fleet in Cowes Road, 1905 (oil on canvas), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Arrival of the Duke and Duchess of York at Cowes, the Royal Yacht passing HMS "Neptune" (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Union company's Mail SS Moor, which has been lengthened and refitted for the service of the Cape (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805, the Deck of the "Victory" at the Moment when Nelson Fell (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
H M S "Ophir," in which the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York are making their Colonial Tour (colour litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The First Shot at Trafalgar, the "Victory" going into Action, Noon, 21 October 1805 (engraving), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Stranding of HMS "Howe" on Pereiro Reefs, at the Mouth of Ferrol Harbour, Spain (engraving), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Imperial Yacht-Club Regatta at Kiel, German Warships saluting the "Meteor" with the Emperor on Board (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Imperial Yacht-Club Regatta at Kiel, the German Emperor's Yacht "Meteor" receiving the Prize (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
The Revolt in Brazil, a General View of the Bay and Town of Rio during the First Bombardment of the City by the Rebel Forces under Admiral Mello (engraving), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images
At the End of the Coronation Review at Spithead, Admirals and Captains going to the King's Reception on the Royal Yacht (litho), Martino, Eduardo de (1838-1912) / Bridgeman Images