Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) Assets (45 in total)

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Richard Strauss Week Munich, 1910 (lithograph)
Richard Strauss Week Munich, 1910 (lithograph)

XLE3761201: Richard Strauss Week Munich, 1910 (lithograph), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Poster for the Winter Olympics in Germany in 1936 (poster)
Poster for the Winter Olympics in Germany in 1936 (poster)

PCT4255916: Poster for the Winter Olympics in Germany in 1936 (poster), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

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STC1144592: Advertisement for "Bulgaren-Held", pub. 1915 (colour litho), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Direct China Cotton Importers, 1909 (litho in colours)
Direct China Cotton Importers, 1909 (litho in colours)

CH6364557: Direct China Cotton Importers, 1909 (litho in colours), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising the ladies' store Mayer Sundheimer, 1909 (colour lithograph)
Poster advertising the ladies' store Mayer Sundheimer, 1909 (colour lithograph)

CH1197718: Poster advertising the ladies' store Mayer Sundheimer, 1909 (colour lithograph), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Winter Olympic Games Poster, Germany, 1936
Winter Olympic Games Poster, Germany, 1936

BAD3442616: Winter Olympic Games Poster, Germany, 1936, Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Poster advertising 'Grathwohl' cigarettes (colour litho)
Poster advertising 'Grathwohl' cigarettes (colour litho)

AKV384688: Poster advertising 'Grathwohl' cigarettes (colour litho), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Fund raising poster for the People's Fund for German War and Civil Prisoners, Collection days July 1-7, 1916, pub. Munich, 1916 (colour litho)
Fund raising poster for the People's Fund for German War and Civil Prisoners, Collection days July 1-7, 1916, pub. Munich, 1916 (colour litho)

STC1073868: Fund raising poster for the People's Fund for German War and Civil Prisoners, Collection days July 1-7, 1916, pub. Munich, 1916 (colour litho), Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

Germany: Poster advertisement for Riquet chocolate products, Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949), c. 1925
Germany: Poster advertisement for Riquet chocolate products, Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949), c. 1925

PFH1189323: Germany: Poster advertisement for Riquet chocolate products, Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949), c. 1925, Hohlwein, Ludwig (1874-1949) / Bridgeman Images

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