The poet Francois Villon (1431-1463) writing his will surrounds in different episodes of his life. Engraving by Gustave Janet, 1854., Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
The Return of the French Court to Paris, Napoleon III, Eugenie, and the Infant Prince (engraving), Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
New-Year's Day in Paris, the Reception of the French Senate by the Emperor Napoleon III, 1857 (engraving), Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
The Italian theatre (Salle Ventadour) was released in Paris in 1858. Drawing by Gustave Janet, engraving by Jahyer., Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
Marriage of Princess Stephanie of Belgium (1864-1945) and Archduke Rodolphe of Austria (1858-1889) in the Basilica of the Augustines in Vienna, 1881. Engraving by Gustave Janet In “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1260 of 21 May 1881., Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
Muley Abbas, Ambassador from the Emperor of Morocco, presenting his Credentials to the Queen of Spain (engraving), Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
The Coronation of the Czar, the Proclamation of the Ceremony by the Imperial Officers (engraving), Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
General Forey receiving the Congratulations of his Troops after the Victory of Montebello (engraving), Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images
The Emperor Alexander of Russia, and the Grand Dukes Constantine, Nicholas, and Michael (engraving), Janet, Gustave (b. 1829) / Bridgeman Images