ICA4927497: Cover of “” Le Don Quixote””, number 628, Satirique en Couleurs, 1886_7_3: Gloria victis! - Anticlericalism, Question of Princes - Religious Rigorism - Bat, Count of Paris (Philippe d'Orleans, 1838-1894), Jesuites - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4926595: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, number 303, Satirique en Couleurs, 1880_4_9: In the name of the law - Anticlericalism - Evictions 1880, Eg combative, Decrets 1880, Transvestissement des religieux - Jesuites - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4926835: Cover of “” Le Don Quixote””, number 333, Satirique en Colours, 1880_11_5: Le duel à la key - Anticlericalism - Evictions 1880, Eg combative, Laicisation - Ferry Jules, S Pierre, Saints - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924998: Cover of “” Le Don Quixote””, number 701, Satirique en Colours, 1887_11_26: With the irons! - President of the Republic, Maternity, Fetus, Childbirth, Armchair (symbol of power) - A dominant Marianne - Grevy Jules (1807-1891), Marianne - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924857: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, number 666, Satirique en Couleurs, 1887_3_26: Not yet - Anticlericalism, President of the Republic - Failure of the Church - Simon Jules (1814-1896), Grevy Jules (1807-1891), Cardinals - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4926157: Cover of “” Le Don Quixote””, number 211, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_7_5: It hurts old people! - Anticlericalism - Eg with reactionaries, Failure of the Church - Bonapartist, Jesuites - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4926299: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, number 236, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_12_27: The Christmas tree - Anticlericalism - Eg with reactionaries, Failure of the Church, A dominant Marianne - Marianne, Owl/Owl, Bonapartist, Legitimist, Orleanist, Jesuites - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4926736: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, number 321, Satirical en Colours, 1880_8_13: La saison des bains - Anticlericalism, Justice Proces, Religion, Maritime Marine Balneaire - Eg et Magistrature, Crimes de l'Eglise - Jesuites - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4926851: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, number 334, Satirique en Couleurs, 1880_11_12: The Judgment of Solomon - Anticlericalism, Justice Proces - Eg and Judiciary, Expulsions 1880, Monita secreta - Cazot Jules (1821-1912), Solomon, Jesuites - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4925055: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, Satirique en Colours, 1888_2_25: Il signor Crispi - Germany Prussia, Italy, Fables La Fontaine and others - Bismarck, Monkey, Cat, Crispi Francesco (1819-1901) - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924701: Cover of “” The Don Quixote””, number 847, Satirique en Couleurs, 1890_9_20: Saint Peter finds the deficit - Anticlericalism - Paradis, Denier de St Peter, Failure of the Church - S Pierre, Saints - Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4925146: Cover of “” Le Don Quixote””, number 771, Satirique en Couleurs, 1889_4_6: La resurrection de Saint-sixe-mai - Republicain, President of the Republique - Resurrection - Ernest Constans (1833-1913), Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911), Spuller Eugene (1835-1896), Fallieres Armand (1841-1996) 31), Francois Thevenet (1845-1910), Pierre Tirard (1827-1893) Saints- Illustration by Charles Gilbert-Martin (1839-1905), Gilbert-Martin, Charles (1839-1905) / Bridgeman Images