The Negotiations in the Transvaal, General Joubert addressing the Boers before their Dispersal Homewards (engraving), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images
The English Administrator settling a Dispute between Two Native Chiefs on the Gambia River, West Africa (engraving), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images
On the Road to Klondyke, mounting the Summit of the Divide above Telegraph Creek (litho), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images
Law and Order in the Yukon District, the Headquarters of the North-West Mounted Police in Klondyke City (litho), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images
An Interview between Lord Wolseley and Chiefs of a Friendly Tribe, Standard-Bearer in the Foreground (engraving), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images