Nigerian Assets (60 in total)

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Crowned Head of an Ooni, Yoruba Culture, Ife (zinc brass)
Crowned Head of an Ooni, Yoruba Culture, Ife (zinc brass)

DBP412921: Crowned Head of an Ooni, Yoruba Culture, Ife (zinc brass), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Yoruba head of a queen, from Ita Yemoo, Ife, Nigeria, 12th-13th century (terracotta) (see also 99329)
Yoruba head of a queen, from Ita Yemoo, Ife, Nigeria, 12th-13th century (terracotta) (see also 99329)

HSC99328: Yoruba head of a queen, from Ita Yemoo, Ife, Nigeria, 12th-13th century (terracotta) (see also 99329), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Roped pot, from Igbo-Ukwu 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Roped pot, from Igbo-Ukwu 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412904: Roped pot, from Igbo-Ukwu 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Oni, head of a king, Ife, 12th - 15th century (bronze) (see also 412919)
Oni, head of a king, Ife, 12th - 15th century (bronze) (see also 412919)

DBP412927: Oni, head of a king, Ife, 12th - 15th century (bronze) (see also 412919), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images


HSC207111: Dundun, Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Mask of Oni Obalufon, Ife, 12th - 15th century (copper)
Mask of Oni Obalufon, Ife, 12th - 15th century (copper)

DBP412926: Mask of Oni Obalufon, Ife, 12th - 15th century (copper), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Seated figure, Tada, 13th - 14th century (copper)
Seated figure, Tada, 13th - 14th century (copper)

DBP412910: Seated figure, Tada, 13th - 14th century (copper), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Globular ceramic vessel with everted rim, Igbo, Nigeria, 10th century (terracotta) (see also 104804 and 104807)
Globular ceramic vessel with everted rim, Igbo, Nigeria, 10th century (terracotta) (see also 104804 and 104807)

HSC104806: Globular ceramic vessel with everted rim, Igbo, Nigeria, 10th century (terracotta) (see also 104804 and 104807), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Iroke Ifa Beater, Yoruba Culture (ivory)
Iroke Ifa Beater, Yoruba Culture (ivory)

HSC186097: Iroke Ifa Beater, Yoruba Culture (ivory), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Pendant representing a human head, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Pendant representing a human head, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412901: Pendant representing a human head, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Double egg pendant, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Double egg pendant, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412934: Double egg pendant, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Head of an Oni, Ife, 12th - 15th century (zinc brass)
Head of an Oni, Ife, 12th - 15th century (zinc brass)

DBP412925: Head of an Oni, Ife, 12th - 15th century (zinc brass), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Oni, head of a king, Ife, 12th - 15th century (bronze) (see also 412927)
Oni, head of a king, Ife, 12th - 15th century (bronze) (see also 412927)

DBP412919: Oni, head of a king, Ife, 12th - 15th century (bronze) (see also 412927), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Yoruba Door Carving (wood)
Yoruba Door Carving (wood)

HSC185286: Yoruba Door Carving (wood), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze) (see also 412905)
Bowl, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze) (see also 412905)

DBP412932: Bowl, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze) (see also 412905), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Ere Ibeji Memory Figures, Yoruba Culture (wood) (see also 181682)
Ere Ibeji Memory Figures, Yoruba Culture (wood) (see also 181682)

HSC181683: Ere Ibeji Memory Figures, Yoruba Culture (wood) (see also 181682), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Head, 600 BC-AD 250 (terracotta)
Head, 600 BC-AD 250 (terracotta)

XCL500209: Head, 600 BC-AD 250 (terracotta) , Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Shell vessel with animal, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Shell vessel with animal, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412933: Shell vessel with animal, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, Igbo Ukwu, 9th-10th century (leaded bronze)
Bowl, Igbo Ukwu, 9th-10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412928: Bowl, Igbo Ukwu, 9th-10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Beaded regalia, Yoruba culture
Beaded regalia, Yoruba culture

BCC11243: Beaded regalia, Yoruba culture, Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Opon Ifa Oracle Board, Yoruba Culture (wood)
Opon Ifa Oracle Board, Yoruba Culture (wood)

HSC186096: Opon Ifa Oracle Board, Yoruba Culture (wood), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Shrine Head, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (terracotta)
Shrine Head, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (terracotta)

MNS2563488: Shrine Head, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (terracotta), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Bowl on stand, from Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Bowl on stand, from Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412903: Bowl on stand, from Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Vessel in the form of a shell, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Vessel in the form of a shell, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412929: Vessel in the form of a shell, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Cylindrical staff ornament, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Cylindrical staff ornament, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412931: Cylindrical staff ornament, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Shrine Head, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (terracotta)
Shrine Head, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (terracotta)

MNS2597516: Shrine Head, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (terracotta), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Ibo Mask (wood)
Ibo Mask (wood)

HSC185280: Ibo Mask (wood), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Staff head, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)
Staff head, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze)

DBP412930: Staff head, Igbo-Ukwu, 9th - 10th century (leaded bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Human figure, Mumuye Culture, Benue River Valley (wood)
Human figure, Mumuye Culture, Benue River Valley (wood)

CIN403131: Human figure, Mumuye Culture, Benue River Valley (wood), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Seated figure with sword, Esie, before 1850 (soapstone)
Seated figure with sword, Esie, before 1850 (soapstone)

DBP412912: Seated figure with sword, Esie, before 1850 (soapstone), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Mfon Mask, Ibibio Culture (wood)
Mfon Mask, Ibibio Culture (wood)

HSC181668: Mfon Mask, Ibibio Culture (wood), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Standing Female Figure, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (wood) (see also 185222)
Standing Female Figure, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (wood) (see also 185222)

HSC185221: Standing Female Figure, Yoruba Culture, Nigeria (wood) (see also 185222), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Standing Female Figure, Yoruba Culture (wood) (see also 185221)
Standing Female Figure, Yoruba Culture (wood) (see also 185221)

HSC185222: Standing Female Figure, Yoruba Culture (wood) (see also 185221), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Ibo Stool (wood)
Ibo Stool (wood)

HSC185279: Ibo Stool (wood), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Pendant mask, Edo Culture, from Nigeria (copper alloy)
Pendant mask, Edo Culture, from Nigeria (copper alloy)

TBM201470: Pendant mask, Edo Culture, from Nigeria (copper alloy), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

Bowman, Tsoede, 14th - 15th century (tin bronze)
Bowman, Tsoede, 14th - 15th century (tin bronze)

DBP412911: Bowman, Tsoede, 14th - 15th century (tin bronze), Nigerian / Bridgeman Images

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