La Nuit d'Octobre, illustration from 'Les Nuits' by Alfred de Musset (1810-57) (w/c on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Illuminated Fountain Display in the Bassin de Neptune in Honour of Prince Francisco de Assisi de Bourbon (1822-1902) 21st August 1864 (oil on canvas), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Dinner offered by Napoleon III to Queen Victoria in the room of the Opera de Versailles on August 25, 1855 (watercolour), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
The British Stand at the Great Exhibition held in the Crystal Palace, with the Minton Stand on the right, 1851 (w/c on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
The Grand Staircase at Buckingham Palace, State Ball, 5 July 1848 (w/c & bodycolour on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred de Musset (1810-57) Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863) and Pierre Antoine Berryer (1790-1868) at a society evening, c.1840 (w/c on paper) (b/w photo), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Royal visit to Louis-Philippe: arrival of Queen Victoria at Le Tréport, 2 September 1843, c.1843 (w/c on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Masked ball at the Paris Opera in the 19th century. Engraving by Eugène Lami (1800 - 1890)., Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Royal visit to Louis-Philippe: arrival of Queen Victoria at the Château d'Eu, 2 September 1843, c.1843 (w/c on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
King Louis Philippe I (1773 - 1850) and Queen Marie Amélie de Bourbon (1782 - 1866) received the guests on the occasion of the inauguration of the Museum of Versailles in 1837. Illustration by Eugène Lami (1800 - 1890)., Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred de Musset (1810-57) and George Sand (1804-76) at the Table, illustration from 'Confession d'un Enfant du Siecle' by Musset (w/c on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
'Les Fourberies de Scapin', after Moliere (Act II, Scene 3) (pencil, w/c & gouache on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Royal visit to Louis-Philippe: the Queen of the French greets Queen Victoria at Le Tréport, 2 September 1843, c.1843 (w/c on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Interior of Her Majesty's Theatre, close of the season of 1841 - Farewell Mlle Rachel (colour litho), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Study for a costume ball given by the Princess of Sagan, 1883 (w/c with graphite underdrawing heightened with white on paper), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Reception in honor of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the Chateau d'Eu on September 3, 1843, painting by Eugene Louis Lami (1800-1890) 1845 (oil on canvas), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
Reception in honor of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the Chateau d'Eu, 1845 (oil on canvas), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images
View of the interior of the restaurant Les trois freres provencaux, near the Palais Royal in Paris, 1843 (engraving), Lami, Eugene-Louis (1800-90) / Bridgeman Images