The Germans looking at Alsace on the other side of the Rhine (litho) (b/w photo), Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Second National Defence loan: “” Subscribe, help us defeat, you will hasten the day of victory and return home”” - poster by Hansi (1873 -1951), 1916, Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Return of pilgrimage from Mont Sainte Odile to Rosheim - Poster of the railways of Alsace and Lorraine, by Hansi, 1930, Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Entry of French Troops into Dambach, Alsace, 1919, viewed by a happy stork (colour litho), Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Soldier guarding the Bridge at Kehl, Alsace, during the French Revolution (colour litho), Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
The Upper Koenigsbourg in the Vosges and its inauguration: The castle before and after its reconstruction, 1908 (print), Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
L'alsace Heureé: Planting a tree of freedom in the village of Chatenois (print), Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images
The story of Alsace tells the children: The Frontier during the War of Liberty (print), Waltz, Jean-Jacques (Hansi) (1873-1951) / Bridgeman Images