Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition: ice hole on Elephant Island where the lost party first attempted to live, c.1914-17 (photo), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
Girls of the old Maori race as they are today under British training, Auckland, c.1908 (silver gelatin print), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition: lost party on Elephant Island saved at last, c.1914-17 (photo), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
Stereoscopic card of Wright aeroplane ready for a flight at Fort Myer, Virginia, c.1915 (b/w photo), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
A bad casualty for the British Field Hospital after the hard battle at the Modder (February 13), S. Africa, 1900 circa (b/w photo), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
Stereoscopic card depicting a photographer viewing through a stereoview above 5th Avenue, New York, c.1900 (sepia photo) (see also 617834), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
Stereograph of Ha-ta-men Gate looking West along the Tartar wall between the Imperial city and the Legation Quarter which was defended by US marines during the 1900 siege of the Boxer Rebellion, 1901 (b/w photo), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images
The cork industry - scraping the oak bark and pressing it flat, Almoraima, Spain, 1907 (b/w photo), Underwood & Underwood (c.1881-1940) / Bridgeman Images