Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) Assets (43 in total)

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Representation of the imaginary sick in Versailles 17th century (engraving)
Representation of the imaginary sick in Versailles 17th century (engraving)

JLJ4565600: Representation of the imaginary sick in Versailles 17th century (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Les Fetes de l'Amour et de Bacchus by Jean Baptiste Lully (Giovanni Battista Lulli) (1632-1687) a Versailles 1668 - The feasts of Love and Bacchus by Jean-Baptiste Lully performed in 1668 in the Little Park of Versailles, during the festival commissioned by Louis XIV, print from 1678 Jean Le Pautre (1618 -1682)
Les Fetes de l'Amour et de Bacchus by Jean Baptiste Lully (Giovanni Battista Lulli) (1632-1687) a Versailles 1668 - The feasts of Love and Bacchus by Jean-Baptiste Lully performed in 1668 in the Little Park of Versailles, during the festival commissioned by Louis XIV, print from 1678 Jean Le Pautre (1618 -1682)

XEE4157928: Les Fetes de l'Amour et de Bacchus by Jean Baptiste Lully (Giovanni Battista Lulli) (1632-1687) a Versailles 1668 - The feasts of Love and Bacchus by Jean-Baptiste Lully performed in 1668 in the Little Park of Versailles, during the festival commissioned by Louis XIV, print from 1678 Jean Le Pautre (1618 -1682), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of a Satyr at Versailles, 1675, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1675-89 (engraving) (see also 170893)
Statue of a Satyr at Versailles, 1675, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1675-89 (engraving) (see also 170893)

STC170892: Statue of a Satyr at Versailles, 1675, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1675-89 (engraving) (see also 170893), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

The Coronation of Louis XIV on 7th June 1654 in Reims cathedral (engraving)
The Coronation of Louis XIV on 7th June 1654 in Reims cathedral (engraving)

XIR280171: The Coronation of Louis XIV on 7th June 1654 in Reims cathedral (engraving) , Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

IBE5344085: "Le malade imaginaire" (The Imaginary Invalid) by Jean Baptiste Poquelin dit Moliere in Versailles (coloured engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Title page from 'Fountain and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving)
Title page from 'Fountain and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving)

STC171603: Title page from 'Fountain and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Statue of a Satyr holding a bunch of grapes, Versailles, 1672, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1672-89 (engraving)
Statue of a Satyr holding a bunch of grapes, Versailles, 1672, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1672-89 (engraving)

STC170893: Statue of a Satyr holding a bunch of grapes, Versailles, 1672, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1672-89 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

King Louis XIV's room (1638-1715), 1654 (watercolour on paper)
King Louis XIV's room (1638-1715), 1654 (watercolour on paper)

FIA5331094: King Louis XIV's room (1638-1715), 1654 (watercolour on paper), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Defeat of the Polish army at Kola, August 1655, King of Sweden receives the Ambassador of Poland for the capitulation (engraving) (b/w photo)
Defeat of the Polish army at Kola, August 1655, King of Sweden receives the Ambassador of Poland for the capitulation (engraving) (b/w photo)

XIR267121: Defeat of the Polish army at Kola, August 1655, King of Sweden receives the Ambassador of Poland for the capitulation (engraving) (b/w photo), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountains with a child representing the Genius of Royal Power by Pierre le Gros, at Versailles, 1677 (etching)
Fountains with a child representing the Genius of Royal Power by Pierre le Gros, at Versailles, 1677 (etching)

STC2962802: Fountains with a child representing the Genius of Royal Power by Pierre le Gros, at Versailles, 1677 (etching), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Design for a bed alcove, c.1660 (engraving)
Design for a bed alcove, c.1660 (engraving)

STC478353: Design for a bed alcove, c.1660 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with two cupids riding a crayfish, designed by Jacques Houseau, at Versailles, 1677 (engraving)
Fountain with two cupids riding a crayfish, designed by Jacques Houseau, at Versailles, 1677 (engraving)

STC2962801: Fountain with two cupids riding a crayfish, designed by Jacques Houseau, at Versailles, 1677 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with two cupids playing with a gryphon, by Benoit Massou, at Versailles, 1676 (engraving)
Fountain with two cupids playing with a gryphon, by Benoit Massou, at Versailles, 1676 (engraving)

STC2962804: Fountain with two cupids playing with a gryphon, by Benoit Massou, at Versailles, 1676 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with cupid by Gaspar Marcy at Versailles, 1676 (etching)
Fountain with cupid by Gaspar Marcy at Versailles, 1676 (etching)

STC2962810: Fountain with cupid by Gaspar Marcy at Versailles, 1676 (etching), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Sculptures depicting Perseus and Adromeda by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (etching)
Sculptures depicting Perseus and Adromeda by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (etching)

STC2962836: Sculptures depicting Perseus and Adromeda by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (etching), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with three tritons at Versailles, after Pierre le Gros, 1673 (engraving)
Fountain with three tritons at Versailles, after Pierre le Gros, 1673 (engraving)

STC2962839: Fountain with three tritons at Versailles, after Pierre le Gros, 1673 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

The Satyr Funeral from a series of designs for decorative panels, 1670-80 (engraving)
The Satyr Funeral from a series of designs for decorative panels, 1670-80 (engraving)

MNS880515: The Satyr Funeral from a series of designs for decorative panels, 1670-80 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Title page from 'Livre des Parterres a la Nouvelle Maniere', published c.1660s (engraving)
Title page from 'Livre des Parterres a la Nouvelle Maniere', published c.1660s (engraving)

STC171653: Title page from 'Livre des Parterres a la Nouvelle Maniere', published c.1660s (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with Triton and Sirens, Versailles, 1679 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Fountain with Triton and Sirens, Versailles, 1679 (engraving) (b/w photo)

STC171681: Fountain with Triton and Sirens, Versailles, 1679 (engraving) (b/w photo), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Garden sculpture, published c.1670 (engraving) (see also 172935)
Garden sculpture, published c.1670 (engraving) (see also 172935)

STC172934: Garden sculpture, published c.1670 (engraving) (see also 172935), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Plate from 'Fountains and Water Jets in the Italian Style', 1661 (engraving)
Plate from 'Fountains and Water Jets in the Italian Style', 1661 (engraving)

STC2962807: Plate from 'Fountains and Water Jets in the Italian Style', 1661 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with three gilded dancers at Versailles, 1672 (engraving)
Fountain with three gilded dancers at Versailles, 1672 (engraving)

STC2962818: Fountain with three gilded dancers at Versailles, 1672 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with cupid firing a water jet arrow, designed by Louis Lerambert, at Versailles, 1677 (engraving)
Fountain with cupid firing a water jet arrow, designed by Louis Lerambert, at Versailles, 1677 (engraving)

STC2962821: Fountain with cupid firing a water jet arrow, designed by Louis Lerambert, at Versailles, 1677 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Design for a fountain, 1673 (etching)
Design for a fountain, 1673 (etching)

STC2962837: Design for a fountain, 1673 (etching), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Busts of Apollo and Daphne by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (engraving)
Busts of Apollo and Daphne by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (engraving)

STC2962841: Busts of Apollo and Daphne by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Designs from 'Fountains and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving)
Designs from 'Fountains and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving)

STC171602: Designs from 'Fountains and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Bronze vase at Versailles, 1672, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1672-89 (engraving)
Bronze vase at Versailles, 1672, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1672-89 (engraving)

STC170891: Bronze vase at Versailles, 1672, from 'Vues et Plans de Versailles', published c.1672-89 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

A Preacher, 1659 (engraving) (b/w photo)
A Preacher, 1659 (engraving) (b/w photo)

XIR164853: A Preacher, 1659 (engraving) (b/w photo), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Garden sculpture, published c.1670 (engraving) (see also 172934)
Garden sculpture, published c.1670 (engraving) (see also 172934)

STC172935: Garden sculpture, published c.1670 (engraving) (see also 172934), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

A fountain from 'Fountains and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving)
A fountain from 'Fountains and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving)

STC171906: A fountain from 'Fountains and Waterjets in the Italian Style', published 1661 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain with the Genius of Wealth, Versailles, 1676 (etching)
Fountain with the Genius of Wealth, Versailles, 1676 (etching)

STC2962835: Fountain with the Genius of Wealth, Versailles, 1676 (etching), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Figure of a Sphinx at Versailles, 1676 (engraving)
Figure of a Sphinx at Versailles, 1676 (engraving)

STC2962838: Figure of a Sphinx at Versailles, 1676 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Busts of Mercury and Minerva by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (engraving)
Busts of Mercury and Minerva by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (engraving)

STC2962840: Busts of Mercury and Minerva by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1674 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Fountain by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1673 (etching)
Fountain by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1673 (etching)

STC2962842: Fountain by Louis Lerambert at Versailles, 1673 (etching), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Designs for garden parterres, from 'Livre de Parterres a la Nouvelle Maniere', published 1660s (engraving)
Designs for garden parterres, from 'Livre de Parterres a la Nouvelle Maniere', published 1660s (engraving)

STC172992: Designs for garden parterres, from 'Livre de Parterres a la Nouvelle Maniere', published 1660s (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

Two Cupids holding a lyre, a fountain at Versailles, 1677, from 'Les Plans, Profils et Elevations des Villes et Chateau de Versailles', published c.1715 (engraving)
Two Cupids holding a lyre, a fountain at Versailles, 1677, from 'Les Plans, Profils et Elevations des Villes et Chateau de Versailles', published c.1715 (engraving)

STC170890: Two Cupids holding a lyre, a fountain at Versailles, 1677, from 'Les Plans, Profils et Elevations des Villes et Chateau de Versailles', published c.1715 (engraving), Lepautre, Jean (1618-82) / Bridgeman Images

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