The Tower of Babel - La Tour de Babel - in “” Turris Babel”” by Athanasi Kircheri, Amsterdam, 1675., Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images
Father Kircher's Catoptric Machine - Machine by which a man looking at a plane mirror sees the face of a donkey, an ox, or any other animal - In “Ars Magna Lucis Et Umbrae”” by Athanasius Kircher, 1646, Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images
The maze of Cnossos designed by Dedale - In the center is the minotaur - “Turris Babel” by Athanase Kircher - Amsterdam, 1675, Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images
Cross section of the earth crust allowing Athanasius Kircher to demonstrate the origin of the thermal springs, 17th century, Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images
Adam Schall (left) and Matteo Ricci (right) in Chinese Mandarin costume, frontispiece of “China” by Athanase Kircher (or Athanasius Kircheri), 1667, Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images
Cartographic representation of Charybde”” and “Scylla”” in the Detroit of Messina, Sicily””” Engraving from “Mundus Subterraneus”” by Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680), Jesuite, Orientalist and scholar 1682, Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images
Surface of the Sun showing sunspots, illustration from 'Mundus Subterraneus' published in Amsterdam 1664-5 (engraving) (b/w photo), Kircher, Athanasius (1602-80) / Bridgeman Images