EVB2930191: Child labor, Isaac Boyett, 'I'm de whole show', the twelve year old proprietor, manager and messenger of the Club Messenger Service, in the heart of the red Light district where he was delivering messages as he does several times a day. Said he knows the houses and some of the inmates, Texas, photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine, November, 1913, Hine, Lewis Wickes (1874-1940) / Bridgeman Images
EVB2930192: Child labor, Isaac Boyett, 'I'm de whole show', the twelve year old proprietor, manager and messenger of the Club Messenger Service, in the heart of the red Light district where he was delivering messages as he does several times a day. Said he knows the houses and some of the inmates, Texas, photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine, November, 1913, Hine, Lewis Wickes (1874-1940) / Bridgeman Images