Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) Assets (204 in total)
Map of the travels of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) from 'Le Theatre du Monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', 1645 (coloured engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Plan of the Castle and Observatory of Uraniborg, constructed c.1584 by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) on the island of Hven, Denmark from 'Le Theatre du Monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', published in Amsterdam, 1645 (coloured engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
General View of the Observatory of Uraniborg, constructed c.1584 by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) on the island of Hven, Denmark from 'Le Theatre du Monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', published in Amsterdam, 1645 (coloured engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Map of Cambridgeshire, published Amsterdam c.1647-48 (hand-coloured engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Nicolas Copernicus's system (Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543) (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, etc) - in Le theatre du monde ou Nouvel atlas by Guillaume et Jean Blaeu, 1645., Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
The Chief of the Powhattan Tribe, detail from the 'Nova Virginiae Tabula', engraved by Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) and Dirck Gryp, 1647 (coloured engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Map of Siberia and China from 'Le Theatre du Monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', 1645 (coloured engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Rose des vents (detail of 10831), “” Le theatre du monde ou Nouvel atlas” by Guillaume et Jean Blaeu, 1645, Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Tycho Brahé's system - in “Le theatre du monde ou Nouvel atlas” by Guillaume et Jean Blaeu, 1645. Arts Déco, Paris., Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the God Jupiter fighting black eagles in his chariot (engraving) in "Le Theatre du Monde", 1645 (engraving), Blaeu, Willem (1571-1638) and Joan (1596-1673) / Bridgeman Images