LSE4334303: A hirtztag, a kind of carnival where everything is allowed for women, in the Sundgau. Engraving by Lix to illustrate the story A trevers l'Alsace et la Lorraine, by Charles Grad, German deputer, in 1885, in the tour du monde 1886, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334342: Conference to the workers of the Dollfus Mieg workshops, in Dornach. Engraving by Lix to illustrate the story A Through Alsace and Lorraine, by Charles Grad, German deputer, in 1885, in the tour du monde 1886, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334396: Workers working at the Alfeld dam. Engraving by Lix to illustrate the story A travers l'Alsace et la Lorraine, by Charles Grad, German deputer, in 1885, in the tour du monde 1887, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334604: The wine press of the Alsatian winemakers. Engraving by Lix, to illustrate the story A Through Alsace and Lorraine, in 1887, by Charles Grad, German depute, in the tour du monde 1888, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334108: Hunt hare. Engraving by F.Lix, to illustrate the story “Through Alsace and Lorraine””, in 1884, by Charles Grad (1842-1890), German depute, writer and naturalist. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 2nd semester 1885, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333940: Schlittage road, (means of transport of wood on a sled species that slides on a wooden quarter road squares like railway ties.) as well as other means of transport: in bundles on the back, and with a hitch for the transport of small wood and for pulling large trunks. Engraving by Lix, to illustrate the story “Atravers l'Alsace et la Lorraine”, in 1884, by Charles Grad (1842-1890), German politician and writer. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 2nd semester 1884, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334053: Fete des patres at the Hohneck (Vosges), Sunday after Saint John. Engraving by F.Lix, to illustrate the story “Through Alsace and Lorraine””, in 1884, by Charles Grad (1842-1890), German depute, writer and naturalist. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 1er semester 1885, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334104: Salmon fishing. Engraving by F.Lix, to illustrate the story “Through Alsace and Lorraine””, in 1884, by Charles Grad (1842-1890), German depute, writer and naturalist. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 2nd semester 1885, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334709: Interior of the Tiefenkeller tavern in Strasbourg. Engraving by Lix, to illustrate the story A Through Alsace and Lorraine, in 1887, by Charles Grad, German depute, in the tour du monde 1888, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334401: Fire of Saint John in Sulzbach. Engraving by Lix to illustrate the story A travers l'Alsace et la Lorraine, by Charles Grad, German deputer, in 1885, in the tour du monde 1887, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334466: The old Alsatian costume. Engraving by Lix, after a painting Present de Noces by Pabst, to illustrate the story A Through Alsace and Lorraine, by Charles Grad, German deputer, in 1885, in the tour du monde 1887, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4330409: Folk dance in the village square Haggia Anna (St. Anne). Engraving after the drawing of Lix, to illustrate the voyage in Greece, by Henri Belle, in 1861-1868-1874, published in “” Le tour du monde””” 1876, edited by Edouard Charton, Hachette edition, Paris. Selva Collection., Lix, Frederic Theodore (1830-97) / Bridgeman Images