Langlume (fl.1822-24) Assets (14 in total)

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Portrait of Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC), 1st half 19th century (litho) (b/w photo) (detail of 163525)
Portrait of Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC), 1st half 19th century (litho) (b/w photo) (detail of 163525)

CHT227126: Portrait of Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC), 1st half 19th century (litho) (b/w photo) (detail of 163525), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

'Hernani Sublime, a Romantic Dish', caricature of Hernani' by Victor Hugo (1802-85) c.1830 (colour litho) (see also 162741)
'Hernani Sublime, a Romantic Dish', caricature of Hernani' by Victor Hugo (1802-85) c.1830 (colour litho) (see also 162741)

CHT239200: 'Hernani Sublime, a Romantic Dish', caricature of Hernani' by Victor Hugo (1802-85) c.1830 (colour litho) (see also 162741), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC), 1st half 19th century (litho) (b/w photo)
Portrait of Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC), 1st half 19th century (litho) (b/w photo)

CHT163525: Portrait of Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC), 1st half 19th century (litho) (b/w photo), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

St. Vitus' Dance, from 'Album Comique de Pathologie Pittoresque', 1823 (colour litho)
St. Vitus' Dance, from 'Album Comique de Pathologie Pittoresque', 1823 (colour litho)

CHT234667: St. Vitus' Dance, from 'Album Comique de Pathologie Pittoresque', 1823 (colour litho), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Jean Baptiste Count of Villele (1773-1854) (engraving) (b/w photo)
Portrait of Jean Baptiste Count of Villele (1773-1854) (engraving) (b/w photo)

XIR164825: Portrait of Jean Baptiste Count of Villele (1773-1854) (engraving) (b/w photo), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Tsoe Bosi, the acupuncture points, 1835 (litho)
Tsoe Bosi, the acupuncture points, 1835 (litho)

CCI2555236: Tsoe Bosi, the acupuncture points, 1835 (litho), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Mademoiselle Lefort (b.1799), 20th August 1821 (litho) (b/w photo)
Mademoiselle Lefort (b.1799), 20th August 1821 (litho) (b/w photo)

CHT223775: Mademoiselle Lefort (b.1799), 20th August 1821 (litho) (b/w photo), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Ancient games: The game of the devil (diabolo) and the bilboquet, based on a lithograph of Langlumé, 19th century.
Ancient games: The game of the devil (diabolo) and the bilboquet, based on a lithograph of Langlumé, 19th century.

LSE4110555: Ancient games: The game of the devil (diabolo) and the bilboquet, based on a lithograph of Langlumé, 19th century., Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Ancient games: the game of racket and steering wheel, ancestor of badmington, based on a lithograph of Langlumé 19th century.
Ancient games: the game of racket and steering wheel, ancestor of badmington, based on a lithograph of Langlumé 19th century.

LSE4110556: Ancient games: the game of racket and steering wheel, ancestor of badmington, based on a lithograph of Langlumé 19th century., Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Louis de Cormontaigne (engraving)
Louis de Cormontaigne (engraving)

LRS2634775: Louis de Cormontaigne (engraving), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

The man of St. Helene (Napoleon). (Engraving 1821)
The man of St. Helene (Napoleon). (Engraving 1821)

GEG6375146: The man of St. Helene (Napoleon). (Engraving 1821), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

Sprites, illustration for 'Les Farfadets' by Berbiguier, 1821 (litho) (b/w photo)
Sprites, illustration for 'Les Farfadets' by Berbiguier, 1821 (litho) (b/w photo)

CHT163480: Sprites, illustration for 'Les Farfadets' by Berbiguier, 1821 (litho) (b/w photo), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

'Hernani Sublime, a Romantic Dish', caricature of Hernani' by Victor Hugo (1802-85) c.1830 (litho) (b/w photo) (see also 239200)
'Hernani Sublime, a Romantic Dish', caricature of Hernani' by Victor Hugo (1802-85) c.1830 (litho) (b/w photo) (see also 239200)

CHT162741: 'Hernani Sublime, a Romantic Dish', caricature of Hernani' by Victor Hugo (1802-85) c.1830 (litho) (b/w photo) (see also 239200), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

'Une fois sacre rien ne le fut pour moi', caricature of King Charles X, 1830 (coloured engraving)
'Une fois sacre rien ne le fut pour moi', caricature of King Charles X, 1830 (coloured engraving)

XIR167537: 'Une fois sacre rien ne le fut pour moi', caricature of King Charles X, 1830 (coloured engraving), Langlume (fl.1822-24) / Bridgeman Images

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