PVD1681939: Your Eminence the Cardinal Camillo di Rende (1847-1897) received the orders in 1871, became bishop in 1877, nuncio in Paris in 1882 and obtained the dignite of cardinal in 1887, photographied by Eugene Pirou between 1887 and 1897, extracted the collection Felix Potin, 500 contemporary celebrities, Clergy Italy, Pirou, Eugene (fl.1884-1925) / Bridgeman Images
PVD1681575: Samuel Perivier (1828-1902) , old lawyer in poitiers he became the first President of the court of appeal , photographied by ugene Pirou between 1870 and 1885, extracted from the collection Felix Potin, 500 contemporary celebrities , Magistracy and bar France, Pirou, Eugene (fl.1884-1925) / Bridgeman Images
PVD1681612: Jules Henri Poincarre (1854-1912) mathematician and French physicist, member of the Academy of Science , photographied by Eugene Pirou about 1880-1890, extracted the collection Felix Potin, 500 contemporary celebrities, sciences and engineers France, Pirou, Eugene (fl.1884-1925) / Bridgeman Images