Gallic art: bronze helmet, axe, sickle, adornment, epee, bracelet, spike from Theil a Billy sur Loir, 1150, 950 BC (metal), Gaulish / Bridgeman Images
Semi-circular razor, straight-edged razor, bracelet with egg-shaped design, torque with pendant and a chain with two pendants, 750-475 BC (bronze), Gaulish / Bridgeman Images
Two open facetted bracelets and a pair of earrings, from the princely tomb of Sainte-Colombe, Cote d'Or, 6th-5th century BC (gold) (see also 161006), Gaulish / Bridgeman Images
Two open facetted bracelets and a pair of earrings, from the princely tomb of Sainte-Colombe, Cote d'Or, 6th-5th century BC (gold) (see also 128303), Gaulish / Bridgeman Images
Jewelry known as the 'Bouclier de Pudeur', from the Cassard tumulus at Flagey, Hallstatt Civilisation (745-475 BC) (bronze), Gaulish / Bridgeman Images