'We'll get them' written on paper strips stuck on an herbalist's window shop, Paris, 1918 (b/w photo) , Moreau, Jacques (b.1887) / Bridgeman Images
Members of the 15th Cavalry Regiment of Chalons on board a train at Gare de l'Est, 1914 (b/w photo), Moreau, Jacques (b.1887) / Bridgeman Images
Exterior of a restaurant closed due to the mobilisation of its owner, Rue Condorcet, Paris, August 1914 (b/w photo), Moreau, Jacques (b.1887) / Bridgeman Images
The Dance by Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-75) protected by sand bags, facade of the Opera House, Paris, 1918 (b/w photo), Moreau, Jacques (b.1887) / Bridgeman Images