JEB4850381: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie Croquis PARISIENS -Well, my dear, you lost, you who had told your client that you would win - Well, yes, by pleading his case I won... five hundred francs”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4851422: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1843: Serie LES RAILWAYS The danger of falling asleep on a journey “” -Wake up Sir and get off the car! - Where are we driving? - But Rouen parbleu! - In Rouen and I who only wanted to go to Poissy where I am invited to dinner today at five o'clock. Well, there's a way to fix that... by taking the first convoy you'll get there early morning... for lunch. It's about the same thing”” MUSEE DES BEAUTS ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4850786: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1845: Serie LES BEAUX DAYS DE LA VIE. In Carnival “” -Let's laugh and gigotte! I'll be disappointed as smart! Famous! We can't recognize you...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4850791: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1845: Serie LES BEAUX DAYS DE LA VIE. The blouse “” -Sir, I made you the best wearing... with a shirt in my way you can present yourself in any living room and we will always be the best dressed in the whole company!” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4852311: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879) Charivari dates from 1842: Serie HISTORIE ANCIE Les Nuits de Penelope “” De son spooux absent l'adorable profile, Forever a ses doux yeux brillait comme une etoile But pour tramer trois ans et sa cunning et sa toile Il necessity que elle had a proud thread””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALES ARTS - PALE LONGCHAIS LONGCHAIS, MARSEIL, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
JEB4852120: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879) Charivari dates from 1854: Serie TENNIQUES ET OWNIRES “” Mr Vautour - Bon!... This is another house being shot down... I will increase each of my tenants by two hundred francs!” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4288957: The hippophages (horse eaters), engraving by Honore Daumier in the Charivari, mid 19th century - complete legende: “” You see, I just made my walk myself, I invite you for tomorrow. It cannot be said to be a first class horse, but the broth will be better!” - horse meat - hippophagia - food scandal -, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4403497: Ancient history: the death of Anacreon, caricature to illustrate an excerpt from the badine works of Jacques-Benigne (Jacques Benigne) Bossuet (1627-1704): “Between cheese and pear, This singer of loves folatrait after drinking, When an unfortunate pepepein, made him lose the taste of bread””. Illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Cartoon 19th century., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images