A nude seated man and two male nudes (metalpoint heightened with white body colour on mauve prepared paper), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
The Annunciation between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Andrew carrying his Cross (detail of the head of an angel), 1483-5 (oil on canvas), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
Disputation with Simon Magus and Crucifixion of Peter (Disputa con Simon Mago e Crocifissione di san Pietro), detail, 1482-1485 (fresco), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
Two angels, detail from the left side of the east wall in Strozzi Chapel, c.1457-1502 (fresco), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
Martyrdom of St. Philip, south wall of Strozzi Chapel, c.1497-1502 (fresco) (detail of 208288), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
North wall of Strozzi Chapel, The raising of Drusiana by St. John the Evangelist, c.1457-1502 (fresco) (detail of 208293), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
Virgin with child and st John the Baptist, st Martin and st Catherine of Alexandria. Nerli Altarpiece (tempera on panel, 1485-1488), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
Madonna with the child surrounded by Saints John the Baptist, Victor, Bernard of Clairvaux and Saint Zenobius (1485-1486, tempera on poplar wood), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images
Several Studies: Head of St Margaret, Draperies, Naked Torso, (pen, brown ink and charcoal), Lippi, Filippino (c.1457-1504) / Bridgeman Images