STC255547: Cairn, Sealyham and Bull Terrier, 1930, Illustrations from his Sketch Book used for 'Just Among Friends', Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor (1870-1935), later Published by Eyre and Spottiswoode Limited, 1934, Chalk and Charcoal on paper, Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor (1870-1935) / Bridgeman Images
STC255533: Collie, Retriever, Alstian and Keeshund Puppy, 1930, Illustrations from his Sketch Book used for 'Just Among Friends', Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor (1870-1935), later Published by Eyre and Spottiswoode Limited, 1934, Chalk and Charcoal on paper, Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor (1870-1935) / Bridgeman Images
STC255550: Bull-Terrier, Spaniel and Sealyhams, 1930, Illustrations from his Sketch Book used for 'Just Among Friends', Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor (1870-1935), later Published by Eyre and Spottiswoode Limited, 1934, Chalk and Charcoal on paper, Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor (1870-1935) / Bridgeman Images