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KAB148347: Holy Family, 1898 (tempera on panel), Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KAB148347
Holy Family, 1898 (tempera on panel)
Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914)
MEP847975: Jewish Sacrifice (Sacrificio ebraico), by Alessandro Franchi, 1876, 19th century, fresco, Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP847975
Jewish Sacrifice (Sacrificio ebraico), by Alessandro Franchi, 1876, 19th century, fresco
KAB875822: Holy Family, 1898 (tempera on panel) (detail of KAB148347)., Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KAB875822
Holy Family, 1898 (tempera on panel) (detail of KAB148347).
MEP847978: Easter Festivity (Festeggiamenti della Pasqua), by Alessandro Franchi, 1876, 19th Century, fresco, Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP847978
Easter Festivity (Festeggiamenti della Pasqua), by Alessandro Franchi, 1876, 19th Century, fresco
KAB148330: The Annunciation, preparatory cartoon for the Cappella Raffo fresco in the Misericordia Cemetery, Siena (chalk and pencil on paper), Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KAB148330
The Annunciation, preparatory cartoon for the Cappella Raffo fresco in the Misericordia Cemetery, Siena (chalk and pencil on paper)
MEP3706562: Floor of the Cathedral of Siena, 1878 (intarsia), Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP3706562
Floor of the Cathedral of Siena, 1878 (intarsia)
KAB148332: Portrait of Emilia Sampieri, 1870 (oil on canvas), Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KAB148332
Portrait of Emilia Sampieri, 1870 (oil on canvas)
KAB148346: St. Ludovic of Toulouse, 1861 (oil on canvas), Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KAB148346
St. Ludovic of Toulouse, 1861 (oil on canvas)
MEP3706556: Floor of the Cathedral of Siena, 1878 (intarsia), Franchi, Alessandro (1838-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP3706556