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HSC257646: 'Psi' figure, c.1400-1300 BC (terracotta), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: HSC257646
'Psi' figure, c.1400-1300 BC (terracotta)
STF257318: The Lion Gate and fortified walls, Acropolis (photo), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF257318
The Lion Gate and fortified walls, Acropolis (photo)
LRI4649304: Idol from Scoglio del Tonno. Bronze Age, 2000 BC (terracotta), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: LRI4649304
Idol from Scoglio del Tonno. Bronze Age, 2000 BC (terracotta)
XZL149428: Death mask from Grave IV of Grave Circle A, Mycenae, c.1580-1550 BC (gold), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: XZL149428
Death mask from Grave IV of Grave Circle A, Mycenae, c.1580-1550 BC (gold)
STF257366: Mycenaean Castle at Tiryns (photo), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF257366
Mycenaean Castle at Tiryns (photo)
HSC257650: 'Psi' figure, c.1400-1300 BC (terracotta), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: HSC257650
STF257310: Dromos and entance to the vault of the Treasure Chamber of Atreus (photo), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF257310
Dromos and entance to the vault of the Treasure Chamber of Atreus (photo)
STF257319: The Lion Gate and fortified wall, Acropolis (photo), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF257319
The Lion Gate and fortified wall, Acropolis (photo)
GIA4791450: Mycenian civilization: veiled dancer of Tanagra, 3rd century BC, Museo della Scala, Milan, Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: GIA4791450
Mycenian civilization: veiled dancer of Tanagra, 3rd century BC, Museo della Scala, Milan
STF257348: View of the Border of Grave Circle A, 16th Century BC, Acropolis, Mycenae (photo), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF257348
View of the Border of Grave Circle A, 16th Century BC, Acropolis, Mycenae (photo)
STF257360: Gold Cup with Spiral Decoration, from Grave V of Grave Circle A in Mycenae (gold), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF257360
Gold Cup with Spiral Decoration, from Grave V of Grave Circle A in Mycenae (gold)
CH3126444: Psi type female idol, Tau type female idol, and model of a throne, 1400-1200 BC (terracotta), Mycenaean / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH3126444
Psi type female idol, Tau type female idol, and model of a throne, 1400-1200 BC (terracotta)