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BST2822125: Barbotine Beaker, 1st century BC to AD (ceramic), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: BST2822125
Barbotine Beaker, 1st century BC to AD (ceramic)
BST2822143: Fragment of mold for a bowl, 31 BC - 14 AD (ceramic), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: BST2822143
Fragment of mold for a bowl, 31 BC - 14 AD (ceramic)
BST2823168: Relief with a portrait of Agrippa, c.10 BC - 14 AD (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: BST2823168
Relief with a portrait of Agrippa, c.10 BC - 14 AD (marble)
GDG233883: Tower and walls (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: GDG233883
Tower and walls (photo)
GDG233884: View of the Cardo (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: GDG233884
View of the Cardo (photo)
XIR226025: Bust of Bacchus, ornament from a bed (bronze), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR226025
Bust of Bacchus, ornament from a bed (bronze)
CPH230935: Two of the four horses of San Marco (bronze), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: CPH230935
Two of the four horses of San Marco (bronze)
FAF242788: Iphigenia in Tauris, detail, from Pompeii, c.15BC-50AD (see also 242787) (fresco) (b/w photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF242788
Iphigenia in Tauris, detail, from Pompeii, c.15BC-50AD (see also 242787) (fresco) (b/w photo)
STF258589: View of the Temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, 1st-2nd century AD (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF258589
View of the Temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, 1st-2nd century AD (photo)
EDF291258: Corinthian capitals and frieze (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: EDF291258
Corinthian capitals and frieze (photo)
EDS358746: Remains of a statue of Emperor Hadrian (stone), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: EDS358746
Remains of a statue of Emperor Hadrian (stone)
FAF345953: Bust of Diogenes (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF345953
Bust of Diogenes (marble)
LMG371178: Sculpted torso of a cavalryman (marble) (see also 371179), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG371178
Sculpted torso of a cavalryman (marble) (see also 371179)
LMG371183: Front part of a horse (marble) (see also 371182 & 371184), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG371183
Front part of a horse (marble) (see also 371182 & 371184)
STF268274: Basilica Julia (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF268274
Basilica Julia (photo)
KW260423: Asklepios, Roman Imperial Period (30 BC-500 AD) (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: KW260423
Asklepios, Roman Imperial Period (30 BC-500 AD) (marble)
KW260472: View of the ruins and a mosaic floor (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: KW260472
View of the ruins and a mosaic floor (photo)
STF270143: Statue of the Goddess Diana (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF270143
Statue of the Goddess Diana (marble)
HSC270397: Head of a Herm, 1st-2nd century AD (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: HSC270397
Head of a Herm, 1st-2nd century AD (marble)
FAF182967: Pluteus of Trajan with depictions of the Institutio Alimentaria (marble) (b/w photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF182967
Pluteus of Trajan with depictions of the Institutio Alimentaria (marble) (b/w photo)
FAF283099: Antinous (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF283099
Antinous (marble)
GDG279875: View of the Capitolium (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: GDG279875
View of the Capitolium (photo)
GDG279940: View of the Palatine from the Circus Maximus (coulour photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: GDG279940
View of the Palatine from the Circus Maximus (coulour photo)
GDG279594: View of the Roman cemetery and the hippodrome (photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: GDG279594
View of the Roman cemetery and the hippodrome (photo)
FAF224872: The Ares Ludovisi, copy of a Greek 4th century BC original (marble) (b/w photo), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF224872
The Ares Ludovisi, copy of a Greek 4th century BC original (marble) (b/w photo)
FAF287064: Apollo (marble) (b/w photo) (detail), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAF287064
Apollo (marble) (b/w photo) (detail)
ANC379232: Tile fragment with dog print (ceramic), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: ANC379232
Tile fragment with dog print (ceramic)
TW5865091: Sword, late second or very early third century (iron), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: TW5865091
Sword, late second or very early third century (iron)
KSL307552: Apis, 2nd-4th century AD (carnelian), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: KSL307552
Apis, 2nd-4th century AD (carnelian)
XIR208644: Votive stela dedicated to Saturn, from Maghroua (ancient Macota) 2nd-3rd century (limestone), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR208644
Votive stela dedicated to Saturn, from Maghroua (ancient Macota) 2nd-3rd century (limestone)
CH871731: The Crosby Garrett helmet, late 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 871728-34, 396159, 482018 & 413093-94), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH871731
The Crosby Garrett helmet, late 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 871728-34, 396159, 482018 & 413093-94)
CH871730: The Crosby Garrett helmet, late 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 871728-34, 396159, 482018 & 413093-94), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH871730
CH871732: The Crosby Garrett helmet, late 1st-2nd century AD (bronze) (see also 871728-34, 396159, 482018 & 413093-94), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH871732
CH5962637: Cinerary urn, c.late 1st-early 2nd century AD (marble), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH5962637
Cinerary urn, c.late 1st-early 2nd century AD (marble)
CH5975299: Emblema of Cleopatra Selene, c. late 1st century BC-early 1st century AD (parcel-gilt & silver), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH5975299
Emblema of Cleopatra Selene, c. late 1st century BC-early 1st century AD (parcel-gilt & silver)
JLJ4565582: Roman art: statue of Apollo (bronze), Roman / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ4565582
Roman art: statue of Apollo (bronze)