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JVH307914: The Creation of Heaven, Earth and Water (oil on copper) (see 307915-916), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JVH307914
The Creation of Heaven, Earth and Water (oil on copper) (see 307915-916)
Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77)
LST257055: Interior of an Inn with Card Players (oil on panel), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LST257055
Interior of an Inn with Card Players (oil on panel)
USB1156504: A Poor Company at Table in a Rustic Kitchen (Le petit chaudron), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: USB1156504
A Poor Company at Table in a Rustic Kitchen (Le petit chaudron)
FIA5382565: Saint Antoine de Padua distributing bread, c.1662 (oil on copper), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5382565
Saint Antoine de Padua distributing bread, c.1662 (oil on copper)
XIR189567: The Continence of Scipio (237-183 BC) (oil on canvas), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR189567
The Continence of Scipio (237-183 BC) (oil on canvas)
BFM286872: A man with a pushcart full of vegetables (oil on canvas), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BFM286872
A man with a pushcart full of vegetables (oil on canvas)
USB1160359: The Rape of Proserpine (after Rubens), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: USB1160359
The Rape of Proserpine (after Rubens)
IMA290325: The Revelers, 1640 (oil on wood panel), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IMA290325
The Revelers, 1640 (oil on wood panel)
BON51028: Elegant Company Merrymaking in an Interior with Servants in Attendance, Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BON51028
Elegant Company Merrymaking in an Interior with Servants in Attendance
BAL17860: A Woman in a kitchen, Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL17860
A Woman in a kitchen
BAL13909: Winter Scene, Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL13909
Winter Scene
IMA1560193: The Revelers (oil on wood), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IMA1560193
The Revelers (oil on wood)
HFA492506: Esther Presents herself at the Palace (oil on copper), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: HFA492506
Esther Presents herself at the Palace (oil on copper)
XNR86749: The Presentation in the temple (panel), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XNR86749
The Presentation in the temple (panel)
RAF35822: The Adoration of the Shepherds, Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: RAF35822
The Adoration of the Shepherds
USB1163109: Achilles discovered amongst the Daughters of Lycomedes, Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: USB1163109
Achilles discovered amongst the Daughters of Lycomedes
CH21842: Agriculture accompanied by Fame worshipping Ceres as a harpy is trampled underfoot and Minerva overcomes Mars (oil on copper), Herp, Willem van the Elder (1614-77) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH21842
Agriculture accompanied by Fame worshipping Ceres as a harpy is trampled underfoot and Minerva overcomes Mars (oil on copper)