Illustration for poem collection 'Satura' by Eugenio Montale, by Giuseppe Migneco, Ed. Nuovo Foglio in collaboration with Gallimard and Mondadori, Migneco, Giuseppe (1908-1997) / Bridgeman Images
Three-sided Mirror (Lo specchio a tre facce), by Giuseppe Migneco, 1982, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm, Migneco, Giuseppe (1908-1997) / Bridgeman Images
Caryatid or Woman Kneeling (Cariatide o Donna inginocchiata), by Giuseppe Migneco, 1966, 20th Century, watercolor, 28 x 22 cm, Migneco, Giuseppe (1908-1997) / Bridgeman Images
Last Goodbye (L'ultimo saluto), by Giuseppe Migneco, 1979, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 61 x 50 cm, Migneco, Giuseppe (1908-1997) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration for poem collection 'Satura' by Eugenio Montale, by Giuseppe Migneco, Ed. Nuovo Foglio in collaboration with Gallimard and Mondadori, Migneco, Giuseppe (1908-1997) / Bridgeman Images
Lizard Hunters (Cacciatori di lucertole), by Giuseppe Migneco, 1942, 20th Century, oil on canvas, Migneco, Giuseppe (1908-1997) / Bridgeman Images