Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947)

Creator details

Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947)

Assets (40 in total)

Water Nymphs, 1913 (w/c heightened with white on paper)
St. George and the Dragon (oil on canvas)
Saint Cecilia (oil on canvas)
Pelleas and Melisande, 1913 (w/c & gouache on paper)
Psyche at Cupid's Gate, 1900 (enamel on copper)
Tristram and Iseult
Charlemagne and the dead Fastrada. Seated by Fastrada's side at Ingelkeim
Circe the Enchantress (charcoal on paper)
The Crystal Beaker
Merlin and Vivien (w/c with bodycolour on paper)
Prince Henry, Elsie and Lucifer.
Lucifer and his angels 'hasten! Hasten! O ye spirits, from its station drag the ponderous cross of iron

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