Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) Assets (40 in total)

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Water Nymphs, 1913 (w/c heightened with white on paper)
Water Nymphs, 1913 (w/c heightened with white on paper)

MAA64340: Water Nymphs, 1913 (w/c heightened with white on paper), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

St. George and the Dragon (oil on canvas)
St. George and the Dragon (oil on canvas)

CH402321: St. George and the Dragon (oil on canvas), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Cecilia (oil on canvas)
Saint Cecilia (oil on canvas)

CH251426: Saint Cecilia (oil on canvas), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Pelleas and Melisande, 1913 (w/c & gouache on paper)
Pelleas and Melisande, 1913 (w/c & gouache on paper)

PNH356366: Pelleas and Melisande, 1913 (w/c & gouache on paper), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Psyche at Cupid's Gate, 1900 (enamel on copper)
Psyche at Cupid's Gate, 1900 (enamel on copper)

PNH356367: Psyche at Cupid's Gate, 1900 (enamel on copper), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Tristram and Iseult
Tristram and Iseult

BAL13703: Tristram and Iseult, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Charlemagne and the dead Fastrada. Seated by Fastrada's side at Ingelkeim
Charlemagne and the dead Fastrada. Seated by Fastrada's side at Ingelkeim

IL1192537: Charlemagne and the dead Fastrada. Seated by Fastrada's side at Ingelkeim, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The herald of the mystery!...and yonder , upon a stage, a herald with a trumpet, clad like the angel Gabriel
The herald of the mystery!...and yonder , upon a stage, a herald with a trumpet, clad like the angel Gabriel

IL1192522: The herald of the mystery!...and yonder , upon a stage, a herald with a trumpet, clad like the angel Gabriel, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Lucifer and his angels 'hasten! Hasten! O ye spirits, from its station drag the ponderous cross of iron
Lucifer and his angels 'hasten! Hasten! O ye spirits, from its station drag the ponderous cross of iron

IL1192516: Lucifer and his angels 'hasten! Hasten! O ye spirits, from its station drag the ponderous cross of iron, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Prince and Elsie in the garden. 'But first come hither and lay the flowers down beside me, put you hands in mine.
The Prince and Elsie in the garden. 'But first come hither and lay the flowers down beside me, put you hands in mine.

IL1192519: The Prince and Elsie in the garden. 'But first come hither and lay the flowers down beside me, put you hands in mine., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Circe the Enchantress (charcoal on paper)
Circe the Enchantress (charcoal on paper)

MAA198294: Circe the Enchantress (charcoal on paper), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Crystal Beaker
The Crystal Beaker

BAL14966: The Crystal Beaker, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Merlin and Vivien (w/c with bodycolour on paper)
Merlin and Vivien (w/c with bodycolour on paper)

MAA198554: Merlin and Vivien (w/c with bodycolour on paper), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Barbarossa: Like Barbarossa, who sits in his cave,…till his beard has grown through the table of stone
Barbarossa: Like Barbarossa, who sits in his cave,…till his beard has grown through the table of stone

IL1192525: Barbarossa: Like Barbarossa, who sits in his cave,…till his beard has grown through the table of stone, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Prince Henry, Elsie and Lucifer.
Prince Henry, Elsie and Lucifer.

IL1192535: Prince Henry, Elsie and Lucifer. "I have no more to say, let us go in"., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Front Cover
Front Cover

IL1192514: Front Cover, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Mary at the well. 'Hail, Virgin Mary, full of grace!'
Mary at the well. 'Hail, Virgin Mary, full of grace!'

IL1192515: Mary at the well. 'Hail, Virgin Mary, full of grace!', Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Girl Reading a Letter (sanguine on paper)
Girl Reading a Letter (sanguine on paper)

CMY100629: Girl Reading a Letter (sanguine on paper), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Abbot Ernestus 'slowly up the wall, steals the sunshine, steals the shade
The Abbot Ernestus 'slowly up the wall, steals the sunshine, steals the shade

IL1192528: The Abbot Ernestus 'slowly up the wall, steals the sunshine, steals the shade, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Irmingard and and her father. My father spake,
Irmingard and and her father. My father spake,

IL1192531: Irmingard and and her father. My father spake, "this , or the cloister and the veil"., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Icarus, c.1900
Icarus, c.1900

CMY15447: Icarus, c.1900, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Lucifer and his Prince Henry. 'Behold it here! This little flask contains the wonderous quintessence'.
Lucifer and his Prince Henry. 'Behold it here! This little flask contains the wonderous quintessence'.

IL1192517: Lucifer and his Prince Henry. 'Behold it here! This little flask contains the wonderous quintessence'., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The wise men of the East. 'Hail to thee, Jesus of Nazareth!
The wise men of the East. 'Hail to thee, Jesus of Nazareth!

IL1192523: The wise men of the East. 'Hail to thee, Jesus of Nazareth!, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Scriptorium: It will do for the face of somebeautiful saint, or for one of the Maries I shall paint
The Scriptorium: It will do for the face of somebeautiful saint, or for one of the Maries I shall paint

IL1192527: The Scriptorium: It will do for the face of somebeautiful saint, or for one of the Maries I shall paint, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Lady Irmingard. 'I am the lady Irmingard'.
The Lady Irmingard. 'I am the lady Irmingard'.

IL1192529: The Lady Irmingard. 'I am the lady Irmingard'., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Irmingard and Walter. 'It was a dream, and would not stay; a dream that was in a single night faded…!
Irmingard and Walter. 'It was a dream, and would not stay; a dream that was in a single night faded…!

IL1192530: Irmingard and Walter. 'It was a dream, and would not stay; a dream that was in a single night faded…!, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Dance of Death. 'Death playing a dulcimer. Behind him a poor old woman with a rosary
The Dance of Death. 'Death playing a dulcimer. Behind him a poor old woman with a rosary

IL1192533: The Dance of Death. 'Death playing a dulcimer. Behind him a poor old woman with a rosary, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Prince and Elsie.
The Prince and Elsie.

IL1192538: The Prince and Elsie. "Ah not so soon, see yonder fire, it is the moon slow rising o'er the eastern hill, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Prince Henry's penance..'forth from the chapel clear he went, into disgrace and banishment, clothed in a cloak of hidden grey
Prince Henry's penance..'forth from the chapel clear he went, into disgrace and banishment, clothed in a cloak of hidden grey

IL1192518: Prince Henry's penance..'forth from the chapel clear he went, into disgrace and banishment, clothed in a cloak of hidden grey, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Elsie's prayer. 'My redeemer and my Lord
Elsie's prayer. 'My redeemer and my Lord

IL1192520: Elsie's prayer. 'My redeemer and my Lord, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Hope Comforting Love in Bondage, 1901 (oil on canvas)
Hope Comforting Love in Bondage, 1901 (oil on canvas)

XBM108329: Hope Comforting Love in Bondage, 1901 (oil on canvas), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Friar Claus 'O cordial delicious! O soother of pain'.
Friar Claus 'O cordial delicious! O soother of pain'.

IL1192526: Friar Claus 'O cordial delicious! O soother of pain'., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

The Dance of Death. 'Here he has stolen a jester's cap and bells, and dances with the queen.
The Dance of Death. 'Here he has stolen a jester's cap and bells, and dances with the queen.

IL1192532: The Dance of Death. 'Here he has stolen a jester's cap and bells, and dances with the queen., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

St Catherine. 'See yonder little cloud, that borne aloft. So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away, over the snowy peaks
St Catherine. 'See yonder little cloud, that borne aloft. So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away, over the snowy peaks

IL1192534: St Catherine. 'See yonder little cloud, that borne aloft. So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away, over the snowy peaks, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Love in Idleness (oil on canvas)
Love in Idleness (oil on canvas)

CH402322: Love in Idleness (oil on canvas), Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

Lucifer flying over the city. 'Sleep, sleep, o city! Till the light wake you to sin and crime again'.
Lucifer flying over the city. 'Sleep, sleep, o city! Till the light wake you to sin and crime again'.

IL1192521: Lucifer flying over the city. 'Sleep, sleep, o city! Till the light wake you to sin and crime again'., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images

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