The herald of the mystery!...and yonder , upon a stage, a herald with a trumpet, clad like the angel Gabriel, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Lucifer and his angels 'hasten! Hasten! O ye spirits, from its station drag the ponderous cross of iron, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
The Prince and Elsie in the garden. 'But first come hither and lay the flowers down beside me, put you hands in mine., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Barbarossa: Like Barbarossa, who sits in his cave, till his beard has grown through the table of stone, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Lucifer and his Prince Henry. 'Behold it here! This little flask contains the wonderous quintessence'., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
The Scriptorium: It will do for the face of somebeautiful saint, or for one of the Maries I shall paint, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Irmingard and Walter. 'It was a dream, and would not stay; a dream that was in a single night faded !, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
The Prince and Elsie. "Ah not so soon, see yonder fire, it is the moon slow rising o'er the eastern hill, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Prince Henry's penance..'forth from the chapel clear he went, into disgrace and banishment, clothed in a cloak of hidden grey, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
The Dance of Death. 'Here he has stolen a jester's cap and bells, and dances with the queen., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
St Catherine. 'See yonder little cloud, that borne aloft. So tenderly by the wind, floats fast away, over the snowy peaks, Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images
Lucifer flying over the city. 'Sleep, sleep, o city! Till the light wake you to sin and crime again'., Meteyard, Sidney (1868-1947) / Bridgeman Images