Art. Entertainment. The animated scale models, show at the Alcazar d'Hiver, Paris. Poster by Jules Cheret, France, 1890 (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Art. Entertainment. Great theater of the exposition (Universal Exposition of Paris, 1900). Poster by Jules Cheret, France, c.1900 (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Entertainment. Bal at the Moulin Rouge, Paris. Poster by Jules Cheret, France, 1896. (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Literature. L'amant des danseuses, (the dancers's lover), novel by Felicien Champsaur. Poster by Jules Cheret, France, 1888 (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Poster for the Folies-Bergere 1874 by Jules Cheret (1836-1932) - aerobatic works, ballets, pantomimes, operettes, dance, dancer, music hall (music hall), gay Paris, Paris by night -, Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Reproduction of a poster advertising 'The Mirror', a pantomime by Rene Maizeroy at the Folies-Bergere (colour litho) (see 126671), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Reproduction of a poster advertising 'Cadet Roussel', an equestrian spectacle at the Hippodrome, 1882 (colour litho), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Ball mask. Drawing by Cherret (late 19th century) for the carnival in the newspaper “Paris illustrious””., Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Drawing by Jules Cheret illustrating “” Lulu”” by Felicien Champsaur, novel and pantomime in one act (1900) staging a clown dancer. “Lulu”” is considered one of the best examples of what has been called in France the “circus literature”., Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Literature. David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens. Poster by Jules Cheret for a fascicule's edition, France, c.1860-70 (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Literature. Works of Francois Rabelais illustrated by Albert Robida. Poster by Jules Cheret, France, c.1885 (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Art. Entertainment. Clowns. Show ot the circus Hippodrome, Paris. Poster by Jules Cheret, France, c.1880 (poster), Cheret, Jules (1836-1932) / Bridgeman Images