Arrival of Queen Elizabeth I at Nonsuch Palace, 1598 (hand coloured copper engraving) (detail of 324184), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Arrival of Queen Elizabeth I at Nonesuch Palace and men and women from Tudor society, 1598 (hand coloured copper engraving), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Arrival of Queen Elizabeth I at Nonesuch Palace and men and women from Tudor society, 1582 (engraving), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Budapest during the Turkish occupation, from 'Le Theatre du Monde' by Georg Braun (1541-1622) published by Jan Jansson, Amsterdam, 1657 (coloured engraving), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Country folk going to market, fishwives selling pike and an apprentice fetching water from a fountain, 1598 (hand coloured copper engraving) (detail of 324184), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Venice, Italy: church of St Mark and the fire at the Venetian Doge's palace in 1577 (drawing, 1578) (engraving, 1598), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Arrival of Queen Elizabeth I at Nonesuch Palace with her courtiers, guards and dogs, 1598 (hand coloured copper engraving) (detail of 324184), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
Courtiers and hunting dogs accompanying the arrival of Queen Elizabeth I at Nonsuch Palace, 1598 (hand coloured copper engraving) (detail of 324184), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
An apprentice fetching water from a fountain, 1598 (hand coloured copper engraving) (detail of 324184), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images
A village festival with elegantly dressed figures in procession, a river and tower beyond (oil on panel), Hoefnagel, Joris (1542-1600) / Bridgeman Images