A Blind Child, illustration from 'The Book of Old English Songs and Ballads', published by Hodder and Stoughton, c.1910 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Woman in a Garden, illustration from 'The Book of Old English Songs and Ballads' published by Stodder and Houghton, c.1910 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Wish, illustration from 'The Book of Old English Songs and Ballads', published by Stodder and Houghton', c.1910 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington, illustration from 'The Book of Old English Songs and Ballads', published by Stodder and Houghton, c. 1910 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The Way of Life, illustration from 'The Book of Old English Songs and Ballads', published by Hodder and Stoughton, c.1910 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
At which the King had gazed upon her blankly and gone by, illustration from 'Idylls of the King' by Alfred Tennyson (1809-92), published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1910 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Whose brown hath lovelier grace Than any painted face That I do know Hyde Park can show (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Enid, illustration from 'Idylls of The King' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Vivien, illustration from 'Idylls of The King' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
The poor also crowded into the monastery gate and were fed, ay, even if the brethren went hungry, (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Elizabeth went on her mission of pity, from 'The Story of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary' by William Canton (1845-26) 1921 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration for the poem Cherry Ripe by Anon, from the book 'Palgrave's Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics', published 1919 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration for the poem The Manly Heart by Wither, from the book 'Palgrave's Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics', published 1919 (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration from 'Idylls of The King' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Enid, illustration from 'Idylls of The King' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images
Elaine, illustration from 'Idylls of The King' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (colour litho), Fortescue-Brickdale, Eleanor (1871-1945) / Bridgeman Images