St. Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, no.36 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Woman Receiving Wings to Flee the Dragon, no.37 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Angel with an Open Book, no.27 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Second Trumpet and the Shipwreck, number 21 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Beast of the Sea with Seven Heads and Ten Crowns, no.40 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Fourth Angel Poured out his Bowl on the Sun, no.60 in the 'Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Third Trumpet and the Wormwood Star, number 22 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Fifth Trumpet and the Locusts, number 24 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Whore of Babylon, number 64 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-1387 (tapestry) (detail of 181983), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Whore of Babylon, number 64 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry) (see also 135911), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Woman About to Give Birth and the Great Dragon Waiting to Devour the Infant, no.35 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Third Trumpet and the Wormwood Star, no.22 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry) (detail of 161725), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Beast is Thrown into the Lake of Sulphur, from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet and the Chant of the Twenty-Four Elders, no.34 of the 'Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
Christ enthroned with the apocalyptic beasts and the twenty four elders, no.4 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
St. John and the Seven Churches of Asia, no.2 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Third Angel and the Lamb, number 51 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Myriads of Horsemen, number 26 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Second Trumpet and the Shipwreck, detail of the sinking ships, number 21 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
Blood flowing from the great winepress of God's wrath, no.55 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Fourth Trumpet and the Eagle of Woe, no.23 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images
The Lamb and the Twenty-Four Elders, no. 7 from 'The Apocalypse of Angers', 1373-87 (tapestry), Bataille, Nicolas (fl. 1363-1400) / Bridgeman Images