Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) Assets (25 in total)

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French Revolution: Portrait of Paul de Barras (1755-1829), French politician (engraving)
French Revolution: Portrait of Paul de Barras (1755-1829), French politician (engraving)

JLJ4651423: French Revolution: Portrait of Paul de Barras (1755-1829), French politician (engraving), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet dit, 1694-1778) engraving by Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet dit, 1694-1778) engraving by Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4310095: Portrait of Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet dit, 1694-1778) engraving by Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Rene Descartes (1596-1650), English philosopher and writer engraving after Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of Rene Descartes (1596-1650), English philosopher and writer engraving after Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4310092: Portrait of Rene Descartes (1596-1650), English philosopher and writer engraving after Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of General Berthier (1753-1815) c.1796-97 (colour litho)
Portrait of General Berthier (1753-1815) c.1796-97 (colour litho)

CHT174169: Portrait of General Berthier (1753-1815) c.1796-97 (colour litho), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Charles Linne (Carl von Linne, Linneus 1707 - 1778), Swedish naturalist - Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817)
Portrait of Charles Linne (Carl von Linne, Linneus 1707 - 1778), Swedish naturalist - Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817)

XEE4153726: Portrait of Charles Linne (Carl von Linne, Linneus 1707 - 1778), Swedish naturalist - Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne 1533-1592 - engraving - 19th century - Portrait of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592)”, French humanist philosopher. Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne 1533-1592 - engraving - 19th century - Portrait of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592)”, French humanist philosopher. Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4310081: Michel Eyquem de Montaigne 1533-1592 - engraving - 19th century - Portrait of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592)”, French humanist philosopher. Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

View of Westminster Bridge, engraved by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), 1799 (colour engraving)
View of Westminster Bridge, engraved by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), 1799 (colour engraving)

XCF306047: View of Westminster Bridge, engraved by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), 1799 (colour engraving), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Denis Diderot, 18th century (engraving)
Denis Diderot, 18th century (engraving)

CCI1810706: Denis Diderot, 18th century (engraving), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin in Spectacles, 1790-95 (etching and aquatint)
Portrait of Benjamin Franklin in Spectacles, 1790-95 (etching and aquatint)

GRC2622517: Portrait of Benjamin Franklin in Spectacles, 1790-95 (etching and aquatint), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Georges Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon (1707-1788), French naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist, and encyclopedic author - Portrait of George Louis Le Clerc, Count of Buffon (1707 - 1788), French naturalist and writer engraving by Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of Georges Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon (1707-1788), French naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist, and encyclopedic author - Portrait of George Louis Le Clerc, Count of Buffon (1707 - 1788), French naturalist and writer engraving by Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4310109: Portrait of Georges Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon (1707-1788), French naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist, and encyclopedic author - Portrait of George Louis Le Clerc, Count of Buffon (1707 - 1788), French naturalist and writer engraving by Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Engraved by Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Engraved by Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4310130: Portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Engraved by Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Joseph Bara (1779-1793) - Joseph Bara or Barra (1780-1793) is a heros child of the French Revolution who fought in Vendee for the Republic. Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817)
Joseph Bara (1779-1793) - Joseph Bara or Barra (1780-1793) is a heros child of the French Revolution who fought in Vendee for the Republic. Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817)

XEE4157859: Joseph Bara (1779-1793) - Joseph Bara or Barra (1780-1793) is a heros child of the French Revolution who fought in Vendee for the Republic. Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1791 (aquatint)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1791 (aquatint)

XOS5054678: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1791 (aquatint), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Jean de La Fontaine (Lafontaine) (1621-1695), poet francais engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817) by Ambroise Louis Garnerey (1783-1857)
Portrait of Jean de La Fontaine (Lafontaine) (1621-1695), poet francais engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817) by Ambroise Louis Garnerey (1783-1857)

XEE4150998: Portrait of Jean de La Fontaine (Lafontaine) (1621-1695), poet francais engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817) by Ambroise Louis Garnerey (1783-1857), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Jean Sylvain Bailly (1736-1793), French scientist, politician - Engraving by Pierre-Michel Alix (1762-1817)
Portrait of Jean Sylvain Bailly (1736-1793), French scientist, politician - Engraving by Pierre-Michel Alix (1762-1817)

XEE4153341: Portrait of Jean Sylvain Bailly (1736-1793), French scientist, politician - Engraving by Pierre-Michel Alix (1762-1817), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Bernard Le Bouyer (Le Bovier) by Fontenelle (1657-1757), French writer. engraving after Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of Bernard Le Bouyer (Le Bovier) by Fontenelle (1657-1757), French writer. engraving after Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4156303: Portrait of Bernard Le Bouyer (Le Bovier) by Fontenelle (1657-1757), French writer. engraving after Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) American printer, publisher, scientist, inventor, statesman and diplomat - Portrait of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American physicist, philosopher, and politician - engraving by Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) American printer, publisher, scientist, inventor, statesman and diplomat - Portrait of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American physicist, philosopher, and politician - engraving by Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4310124: Portrait of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) American printer, publisher, scientist, inventor, statesman and diplomat - Portrait of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American physicist, philosopher, and politician - engraving by Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Return of the King, 8 July 1815, 1815 (coloured aquatint)
Return of the King, 8 July 1815, 1815 (coloured aquatint)

BMT1249033: Return of the King, 8 July 1815, 1815 (coloured aquatint) , Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon Bonaparte en general en chef de l'Armee d'Italie (1796-1797) - Engraving by Pierre Michel (Pierre-Michel) Alix (1762-1817)
Napoleon Bonaparte en general en chef de l'Armee d'Italie (1796-1797) - Engraving by Pierre Michel (Pierre-Michel) Alix (1762-1817)

XEE4157637: Napoleon Bonaparte en general en chef de l'Armee d'Italie (1796-1797) - Engraving by Pierre Michel (Pierre-Michel) Alix (1762-1817), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

General Charles Pichegru (1761-1804) - Portrait en pied de Charles Pichegru (1761-1804), general en chief des armees du Nord, de Sambre et Meuse, de Rhine et de Moselle” Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), by Alexandre Evariste FRAGONARD (1780-1850)
General Charles Pichegru (1761-1804) - Portrait en pied de Charles Pichegru (1761-1804), general en chief des armees du Nord, de Sambre et Meuse, de Rhine et de Moselle” Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), by Alexandre Evariste FRAGONARD (1780-1850)

XEE4156483: General Charles Pichegru (1761-1804) - Portrait en pied de Charles Pichegru (1761-1804), general en chief des armees du Nord, de Sambre et Meuse, de Rhine et de Moselle” Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), by Alexandre Evariste FRAGONARD (1780-1850), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait Engraving of Claude-Adrien Helvetius (1715-1771) English philosopher - engraving after Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait Engraving of Claude-Adrien Helvetius (1715-1771) English philosopher - engraving after Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4153813: Portrait Engraving of Claude-Adrien Helvetius (1715-1771) English philosopher - engraving after Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684) - Engraving by Pierre-Michel Alix (1762-1817) - Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684), French writer Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix
Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684) - Engraving by Pierre-Michel Alix (1762-1817) - Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684), French writer Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix

XEE4153332: Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684) - Engraving by Pierre-Michel Alix (1762-1817) - Portrait of Pierre Corneille (1606-1684), French writer Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix, Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Lycurgue (Lykourgos) mythical legislator of Sparta (9th or 8th century BC). (Lycurgus of Sparta) Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817)
Portrait of Lycurgue (Lykourgos) mythical legislator of Sparta (9th or 8th century BC). (Lycurgus of Sparta) Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817)

XEE4310089: Portrait of Lycurgue (Lykourgos) mythical legislator of Sparta (9th or 8th century BC). (Lycurgus of Sparta) Engraving by Pierre Michel Alix (1762-1817), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) (aquatint)
Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) (aquatint)

FIA5404524: Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) (aquatint), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) (aquatint)
Portrait Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) (aquatint)

FIA5404525: Portrait Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) (aquatint), Alix, Pierre Michel (1762-1817) / Bridgeman Images

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