Cover of “” Le Lire””, Satirique en Couleurs, 1912_6_15: Paradis-Bourbon - President of the Republic, Chamber of Deputes - Deschanel Paul (1855-1922), Angel - Illustration by A Barrere (1874-1931), Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of A Barrere (1874-1931) for the Cover of Le Rire, 21/03/14 - Georges Carpentier (1894-1975) vs Joe Jeannette (1879-1958) - Sport, Boxing - Carpentier, Jeannett Joe, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Fantasio, number 76, 1909_9_15 - Illustration of A Barrere (1874-1931): Balloons airships zeppelins aerostation, Valpariso - Prince Victor Victor Napoleon (Napoleon Victor Jerome Frédéric Bonaparte, dit Victor Napoleon), Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration of A Barrere (1874-1931) in “” Fantasio””, 01/04/15 - Count Tisza or the stuffer - War of 14 -18, Austria, Hungary - Eagle, Francois-Joseph 1st of Austria, Tisza Istvan - Animalisation, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by Wilhelm Cuno (1876-1933) German politician responsible for maritime affairs. Drawing by Adrien Barrere (1877-1931) from Fantasio, 1925 Private Collection, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Fantasio, 1906_8_1 - Illustration of A Barrere (1874-1931): A New Historian - Armee, Straps - Andre Louis, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by Paul Doumer - Illustration by Adrien Barrere (1877-1931) in “” Fantasio”” from 15/05/1921, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
General Gallieni or the new candle (from the bow of) the star. In Fantasio 01/12/1915. Drawing by A. Barrère., Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon about Paul Claudel, French poet and playwright - by Barrère, in “” Fantasio”” from 01/01/1927, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Humorous image about Belin and his belinographer - by Barrère, in “” Fantasio”” from 01/12/1931, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
M. Faring Carré (cartoon on Raymond Poincaré) - by Barrère, in “” Fantasio””” of 01/02/1912, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Charlot in statue with writing on the plinth: “A Charlot, the grateful humanity”” (“Charlot ne s'amuse pas”) - drawing by Barrère, in “” Fantasio”” of 01/07/1920, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Maurice Barrès and Apotre de Lorraine - Caricature by Adrien Barrere (1877-1931) in “” Fantasio””, 15/01/1919, Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Cartoon by German General Erich von Falkenhayn (1861-1922) (Lower Court Charognard) in “” Fantasio”” 1916 - Illustration by Adrien Barrere (1877-1931), Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images
Robert Pelleve de La Motte-Ango (Motte Ango), Marquis de Flers, French playwright (1872-1927). (The first lantern of the academy). Cartoon by Barrere in “” Fantasio”” from June 1921., Barrere, Adrien (1874-1931) / Bridgeman Images