Portrait of Mademoiselle Clairon Josephe Leris de la tude dit Mademoiselle Confon (1723 -1803), 18th century (oil on canvas), Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images
The predication of Saint Augustine (354-430) before Valere, eveque of Hippone, 18th century (oil on canvas), Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images
Louis XIII (1601-43) dedicating the Church of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires to the Virgin in 1629, detail of the Virgin Mary, 1748-53 (oil on canvas), Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images
Alexander and Porus, King of India, having reigned at the borders of the kingdom of Persia, eventually went to Alexander, 1737 (oil on canvas), Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images
Polichinella (Pulcinella). Painting by Carle Van Loo (1705-1765), Oil On Canvas, 1730. French Art, 18th century. Musee Jules Cheret, Nice., Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images
Saint Augustine in ecstasy with his heart ignites. Painting by Charles Andre Van Loo, dit Carle Vanloo (1705-1765), oil on canvas, circa 1750, French art. Museum of Fine Arts in Angers., Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images
Study for Louis XIII (1601-43) Dedicating the Church of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires to the Virgin in 1629, before 1748 (oil on canvas), Loo, Carle van (1705-65) / Bridgeman Images