Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) Assets (547 in total)

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The man and the flea (L'homme et la puce) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The man and the flea (L'homme et la puce) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214696: The man and the flea (L'homme et la puce) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The lion, the wolf and the fox (le lion, le loup et le renard) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The lion, the wolf and the fox (le lion, le loup et le renard) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214714: The lion, the wolf and the fox (le lion, le loup et le renard) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The ingratefulness and the injustice of mean towards the fortune (L'ingratitude et l'injustice des hommes envers la fortune) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The ingratefulness and the injustice of mean towards the fortune (L'ingratitude et l'injustice des hommes envers la fortune) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214736: The ingratefulness and the injustice of mean towards the fortune (L'ingratitude et l'injustice des hommes envers la fortune) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The cat and the fox (Le chat et le renard) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The cat and the fox (Le chat et le renard) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215046: The cat and the fox (Le chat et le renard) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The husband, the wife and the thief (Le mari, la femme et le voleur) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The husband, the wife and the thief (Le mari, la femme et le voleur) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215047: The husband, the wife and the thief (Le mari, la femme et le voleur) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The dog with the cut ears (Le chien a qui on a coupe les oreilles) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The dog with the cut ears (Le chien a qui on a coupe les oreilles) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215132: The dog with the cut ears (Le chien a qui on a coupe les oreilles) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

the turtle and the two ducks (La tortue et les deux canards) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
the turtle and the two ducks (La tortue et les deux canards) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215153: the turtle and the two ducks (La tortue et les deux canards) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The two rats, the fox and the egg (Les deux rats, le renard et l'oeuf) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The two rats, the fox and the egg (Les deux rats, le renard et l'oeuf) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215217: The two rats, the fox and the egg (Les deux rats, le renard et l'oeuf) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The pussy changed into a woman (La chatte metamorphosee en femme) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The pussy changed into a woman (La chatte metamorphosee en femme) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214091: The pussy changed into a woman (La chatte metamorphosee en femme) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The dove and the ant (La colombe et la fourmi) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The dove and the ant (La colombe et la fourmi) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214118: The dove and the ant (La colombe et la fourmi) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The hare and the frogs (Le lievre et les grenouilles) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The hare and the frogs (Le lievre et les grenouilles) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214119: The hare and the frogs (Le lievre et les grenouilles) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The bird hurts by an arrow (L'oiseau blesse d'une fleche) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The bird hurts by an arrow (L'oiseau blesse d'une fleche) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214136: The bird hurts by an arrow (L'oiseau blesse d'une fleche) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The wolf pleading against the fox in front of the monkey (Le loup plaidant contre le renard par devant le singe) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The wolf pleading against the fox in front of the monkey (Le loup plaidant contre le renard par devant le singe) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214155: The wolf pleading against the fox in front of the monkey (Le loup plaidant contre le renard par devant le singe) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

Simonide preserve par les dieux - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
Simonide preserve par les dieux - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214192: Simonide preserve par les dieux - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

(The man and his face) L'homme et son image - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
(The man and his face) L'homme et son image - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214209: (The man and his face) L'homme et son image - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The wolf and the lamb (Le loup et l'agneau) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The wolf and the lamb (Le loup et l'agneau) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214214: The wolf and the lamb (Le loup et l'agneau) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The lion killed byt the man (Le lion abattu par l'homme) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The lion killed byt the man (Le lion abattu par l'homme) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214284: The lion killed byt the man (Le lion abattu par l'homme) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The fox and the grapes (Le renard et les raisins) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The fox and the grapes (Le renard et les raisins) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214285: The fox and the grapes (Le renard et les raisins) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The frog and the rat (La grenouille et le rat) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The frog and the rat (La grenouille et le rat) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214353: The frog and the rat (La grenouille et le rat) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The camel and the floating sticks (Le chameau et les batons flottants) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The camel and the floating sticks (Le chameau et les batons flottants) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214354: The camel and the floating sticks (Le chameau et les batons flottants) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The Stingy who has lost his treasure (L'avare qui a perdu son tresor) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The Stingy who has lost his treasure (L'avare qui a perdu son tresor) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214390: The Stingy who has lost his treasure (L'avare qui a perdu son tresor) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The little fish and the fisherman (Le petit poisson et le pecheur) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The little fish and the fisherman (Le petit poisson et le pecheur) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214401: The little fish and the fisherman (Le petit poisson et le pecheur) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The mountain who gives birth (La montagne qui accouche) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The mountain who gives birth (La montagne qui accouche) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214437: The mountain who gives birth (La montagne qui accouche) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The deer and the vine (Le cerf et la vigne) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The deer and the vine (Le cerf et la vigne) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214468: The deer and the vine (Le cerf et la vigne) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The eagle and the owl (L'aigle et le hibou) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The eagle and the owl (L'aigle et le hibou) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214481: The eagle and the owl (L'aigle et le hibou) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The donkey with the lion's skin (L'ane vetu de la peau du lion) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The donkey with the lion's skin (L'ane vetu de la peau du lion) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214485: The donkey with the lion's skin (L'ane vetu de la peau du lion) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The lion and the hunter - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The lion and the hunter - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214501: The lion and the hunter - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The old man and the fox (Le vieillard et l'ane) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The old man and the fox (Le vieillard et l'ane) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214532: The old man and the fox (Le vieillard et l'ane) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The donkey and his masters - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The donkey and his masters - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214540: The donkey and his masters - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The dog that gives up its prey for the shade (le chien qui abandonne sa proie pour son ombre) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The dog that gives up its prey for the shade (le chien qui abandonne sa proie pour son ombre) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214557: The dog that gives up its prey for the shade (le chien qui abandonne sa proie pour son ombre) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The muddy cartwright (Le chartier embourbe) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The muddy cartwright (Le chartier embourbe) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4214561: The muddy cartwright (Le chartier embourbe) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

... il appartient a une administration superbe situee rue de Jerusalem. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Guilbaut dans la partie intitulee
... il appartient a une administration superbe situee rue de Jerusalem. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Guilbaut dans la partie intitulee

DUV4212524: ... il appartient a une administration superbe situee rue de Jerusalem. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Guilbaut dans la partie intitulee "Voyage d'un lion d'Afrique a Paris" ecrit par Honore de Balzac in "Scenes de la vie privee et publique des animaux". Paris, J. Hetzel et Paulin, 1842. Etudes de moeurs contemporaines publiees sous la direction de P.-J. Stahl, Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

Un cafe frequente par des animaux de tous genres. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Godard dans la partie intitulee
Un cafe frequente par des animaux de tous genres. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Godard dans la partie intitulee

DUV4212531: Un cafe frequente par des animaux de tous genres. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Godard dans la partie intitulee "Voyage d'un lion d'Afrique a Paris" ecrit par Honore de Balzac in "Scenes de la vie privee et publique des animaux". Paris, J. Hetzel et Paulin, 1842. Etudes de moeurs contemporaines publiees sous la direction de P.-J. Stahl, Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

L'adieu au lecteur a la fin de l'ouvrage. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Breviere
L'adieu au lecteur a la fin de l'ouvrage. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Breviere

DUV4212546: L'adieu au lecteur a la fin de l'ouvrage. Vignettes illustrees par JJ Granville . Gravure signee Breviere "Au lecteur" ecrit par PJ Stahl in "Scenes de la vie privee et publique des animaux". Paris, J. Hetzel et Paulin, 1842. Etudes de moeurs contemporaines publiees sous la direction de P.-J. Stahl, Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The merchant, the gentleman, the patrician and the king's son (Le marchand, le gentilhomme, le patre et le fils de roi) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The merchant, the gentleman, the patrician and the king's son (Le marchand, le gentilhomme, le patre et le fils de roi) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215104: The merchant, the gentleman, the patrician and the king's son (Le marchand, le gentilhomme, le patre et le fils de roi) - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

The burner and his compere - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)
The burner and his compere - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving)

DUV4215147: The burner and his compere - Fables by La Fontaine, 19th century (engraving), Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47) / Bridgeman Images

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