"Three Cheers for 'B-P'", how the News of the Relief of Mafeking was received in the Theatre (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images
With the Allies in China, Soldiers and Sailors amusing themselves in a Crowded Thoroughfare in Peking (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images
Celebrating the Anniversary of the Expulsion of the French from Madrid, saluting the Colours (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images
The Combined Display of all Arms in the Royal Military Tournament at the Agricultural Hall (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images
The Princess of Wales and the Freemasons, the Distribution of Prizes to Boys of the Royal Institution (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images
With the Kurram Field Force, a Rampart of Pack-Saddles and a Chevaux-de-Frise of Lances at Hangu (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images
Mr Chamberlain and the City's Address, rising to speak at the Reception in the Guildhall (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images