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FAS3594151: Rhododendron uteum (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594151
Rhododendron uteum (oil on paper)
Booth, Raymond (1929-2015)
FAS3594155: Madonna lily (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594155
Madonna lily (oil on board)
FAS3594157: Spring studies (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594157
Spring studies (oil on paper)
FAS3594165: Iris lutescens (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594165
Iris lutescens (oil on paper)
FAS3594177: Paphiopedilium delenatii (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594177
Paphiopedilium delenatii (oil on paper)
FAS3594186: Fritillaria daviesii, 1989 (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594186
Fritillaria daviesii, 1989 (oil on paper)
FAS3594194: Study of a blackbird (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594194
Study of a blackbird (oil on paper)
FAS3594207: Two studies of a jackdaw (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594207
Two studies of a jackdaw (oil on paper)
FAS3594224: Study of a red squirrel (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594224
Study of a red squirrel (oil on paper)
FAS3594229: Study of a lapwing (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594229
Study of a lapwing (oil on paper)
FAS3594250: Study of a tawny owl (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594250
Study of a tawny owl (oil on paper)
FAS3594251: Two studies of a blue tit (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594251
Two studies of a blue tit (oil on paper)
FAS3594254: Study of a lapwing (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594254
FAS3594259: Study of a buzzard (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594259
Study of a buzzard (oil on paper)
FAS3594265: Wild roses (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS3594265
Wild roses (oil on board)
BOU2601821: Robin feeding her young (oil on panel), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BOU2601821
Robin feeding her young (oil on panel)
FAS151427: Cattleya Mossiae, 1996 (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151427
Cattleya Mossiae, 1996 (oil on paper)
FAS151430: Rhododendron Microgynum, 1997 (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151430
Rhododendron Microgynum, 1997 (oil on paper)
FAS151441: Red Squirrel, 1999 (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151441
Red Squirrel, 1999 (oil on board)
FAS151446: Winter Aconites, 2000 (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151446
Winter Aconites, 2000 (oil on board)
FAS151452: On the Woodland Floor in October, 1998 (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151452
On the Woodland Floor in October, 1998 (oil on board)
FAS151455: Tulipa Amabilis, 1992 (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151455
Tulipa Amabilis, 1992 (oil on paper)
FAS151456: Tulipa Whittallii, 1992 (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151456
Tulipa Whittallii, 1992 (oil on paper)
FAS151462: Items from the Winter Woodland, 2000 (oil on paper), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151462
Items from the Winter Woodland, 2000 (oil on paper)
FAS71151: Kingfisher, 1974 (board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS71151
Kingfisher, 1974 (board)
ILN12843: Northern Bullfinch, Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ILN12843
Northern Bullfinch
FAS382259: Landscape with clouds, 1963 (oil on canvas), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS382259
Landscape with clouds, 1963 (oil on canvas)
FAS201754: The Fox, 1971 (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS201754
The Fox, 1971 (oil on board)
FAS151463: The Old Farm Buildings at Eccup, 2000 (oil on board), Booth, Raymond (1929-2015) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FAS151463
The Old Farm Buildings at Eccup, 2000 (oil on board)