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XLF3780709: Chippeway (Ojibwe) woman and child, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XLF3780709
Chippeway (Ojibwe) woman and child
Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858)
NBY3670963: Pe-schick-ee, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670963
NBY3670999: A Winnebago Squaw, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670999
A Winnebago Squaw
CHH422814: Portrait of Me-No-Quet, 1827 (oil on panel), Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CHH422814
Portrait of Me-No-Quet, 1827 (oil on panel)
XLF3780715: Chippeway (Ojibwe) woman and child, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XLF3780715
NBY3670949: O'-check-ka or Four Legs, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670949
O'-check-ka or Four Legs
NBY3670901: Billy Shane, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670901
Billy Shane
NBY3670920: Kee-me-one or Rain, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670920
Kee-me-one or Rain
NBY3670927: Kitch-ee-i-aa-ba or the Big Buck, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670927
Kitch-ee-i-aa-ba or the Big Buck
NBY3670935: Me-no-quet, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670935
NBY3670938: Mia-a-qu-a, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670938
NBY3670951: O-che-na-shink-kaa or the Man That Stands and Strikes, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670951
O-che-na-shink-kaa or the Man That Stands and Strikes
NBY3670958: Pe-a-jick, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670958
NBY3670962: Pen-now-we-ta, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670962
NBY3670965: Richardville, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670965
NBY3670984: View of the Great Treaty Held at Prarie du Chien, September 1825, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670984
View of the Great Treaty Held at Prarie du Chien, September 1825
NBY3670991: Waa-pa-laa or the Playing Fox, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670991
Waa-pa-laa or the Playing Fox
NBY3670992: Waa-top-e-not or the Eagle's Bed, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670992
Waa-top-e-not or the Eagle's Bed
NBY3670997: Wa-kaun or the Snake, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670997
Wa-kaun or the Snake
NBY3670912: Chippeway Squaws, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670912
Chippeway Squaws
NBY3670921: Kee-o-kuck or The Watching Fox, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670921
Kee-o-kuck or The Watching Fox
NBY3671000: A young Miami Chief, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3671000
A young Miami Chief
NBY3670899: Ash-e-taa-na-quet, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670899
NBY3670943: Nabu-naa-kee-shick or The One Side of the Sky, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670943
Nabu-naa-kee-shick or The One Side of the Sky
NBY3670946: Na-mas or the Little Sturgeon, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670946
Na-mas or the Little Sturgeon
NBY3670954: O-wan-ich-koh or the Little Elk, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670954
O-wan-ich-koh or the Little Elk
NBY3670960: Pe-che-co, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670960
NBY3670969: Shounk-chunk The Blackwolf, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670969
Shounk-chunk The Blackwolf
NBY3670971: Sioux Chief, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670971
Sioux Chief
NBY3670974: Ta-ma-kake-toke or the Woman that Spoke First, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670974
Ta-ma-kake-toke or the Woman that Spoke First
NBY3670982: A View of the Butte Des Morts Treaty Ground, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670982
A View of the Butte Des Morts Treaty Ground
NBY3670994: Wadt-he-doo-kaana, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670994
NBY3670917: Jack-o-pa or the Six, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670917
Jack-o-pa or the Six
NBY3670926: Ke-wa-din or the North Wind, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670926
Ke-wa-din or the North Wind
NBY3670931: Ma-che-ka-kat or the Bad Hawk, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670931
Ma-che-ka-kat or the Bad Hawk
NBY3670933: Mauck-coo-maun, Lewis, James Otto (1799-1858) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NBY3670933