Cartoon by Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900) by Carlo Pellegrini (1839 - 1889) - in “” Vanity Fair”” on May 24, 1884., Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Caricature of William Gladstone, after an illustration by Vanity Fair cartoonist Ape done in 1869, from 'Gladstone: The Man and the Statesman', by David Williamson, published in 1898 (litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Charles Lennox Wyke, The Baron, 9 February 1884, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Lord Westbury, An eminent Christian man, 15 May 1869, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Dr Thomson, The Archbishop of York, The Archbishop of Society, 24 June 1871, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Mr Henry Du Pre Labouchere, Modest assurance, 7 November 1874, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
The Right Hon Lord Sandhurst, Military advice, 30 May 1874, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Henry Josias Stracey, A country gentleman, 10 July 1875, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Mr William Howard Russell, our war correspondence, 16 January 1875, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Colonel The Right Hon Thomas Edward Taylor, Lately whipped, 4 July 1874, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Lord Strathnairn, He was made a Statesman because he was a soldier, 20 August 1870, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images
Viscount Sydney, He received the Royal Commands and lengthened the skirts of the Ballet, 1 May 1869, Vanity Fair cartoon (colour litho), Pellegrini, Carlo ('Ape') (1839-89) / Bridgeman Images