The Shade of Darius Appears as Xerxes Returns to Susa', illustration no. 7 to 'Persians' by Aeschylus (oil on canvas), Bulley, Hugh (1924-2020) / Bridgeman Images
'Cleopatra on her Ship', Act II, Scene II of 'Anthony and Cleopatra' by William Shakespeare, 1988 (oil on canvas), Bulley, Hugh (1924-2020) / Bridgeman Images
'Mother Courage sings the Song of Great Capitulation', illustration no. 5 to 'Mother Courage' by Bertolt Brecht (oil on canvas), Bulley, Hugh (1924-2020) / Bridgeman Images
The King of Bulgaria and the Eviction of Candide, illustration to Chapter 2 of 'Candide' by Voltaire (1694-1778) (collage), Bulley, Hugh (1924-2020) / Bridgeman Images