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LMG833464: Maquette for a Key Bow with a Cupid Whispering to a Seated Girl: three sketches for the Central Group (plaster), Gilbert, Alfred (1854-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG833464
Maquette for a Key Bow with a Cupid Whispering to a Seated Girl: three sketches for the Central Group (plaster)
Gilbert, Alfred (1854-1934)
LMG833467: Maquette for a Pendant with the Dead Christ Sustained by Two Angels (bronzed plaster), Gilbert, Alfred (1854-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG833467
Maquette for a Pendant with the Dead Christ Sustained by Two Angels (bronzed plaster)
LMG833468: Maquette for a Pendant with an Arabesque Escutcheon (bronzed plaster), Gilbert, Alfred (1854-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG833468
Maquette for a Pendant with an Arabesque Escutcheon (bronzed plaster)
LMG833470: Maquette for the Sir William Lawrence Gold Annual Award Medal (lead), Gilbert, Alfred (1854-1934) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LMG833470
Maquette for the Sir William Lawrence Gold Annual Award Medal (lead)