Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 1595-1657) with Tuhay Bey (Tugai Bey, died in 1651) at Lviv, 1885 (oil on canvas), Matejko, Jan (1838-93) / Bridgeman Images
Kinga of Poland (Kunegunda, or Cunegonde) (1234 - 1293) - Saint Kinga of Poland, 1892 (oil on canvas), Matejko, Jan (1838-93) / Bridgeman Images
Jean III Sobieski (1629-1696) send a message of victory to the Pope Innocent XI after the Vienna battle, 1883 (oil on canvas), Matejko, Jan (1838-93) / Bridgeman Images
The Battle of Grunwald on 15th July 1410, detail depicting the death of the Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen (litho) (b/w photo), Matejko, Jan (1838-93) / Bridgeman Images