Typus Orbis Terrarum, map of the world, from Ortelius's 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', Antwerp, 1570 (hand-coloured engraving), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Map of the Pacific, China and America, 1589 by Abrahamus Ortelius (l527-98) (for detail see 84597), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
A sailing ship firing its cannon, detail from a map of the Pacific, China and America, 1599 (coloured engraving) (see also 18634), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Title page of 3rd edition of the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' published in Antwerp by Christophorus Plantin in 1584 (coloured engraving), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Magellan's boat “” Victoria”” which travelled through the Pacific Ocean represented in the Dutch atlas of Abrahm Ortelius (1580)., Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Map of Asia with a superimposed map of Europe, from 'Theatrum orbis terrarum', 1603 (coloured engraving), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
T799 Map of North and South America, from the 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum', published Antwerp, c.1570, Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Earth Map (World Map) Geography map from “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” by Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598), 1570 Genes, Museo Navale, Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Asia: Map of the continent including Japan and the East Indies with part of New Guinea, c.1580 (coloured engraving), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
T827 Typus Orbis Terrarum, Map of the World, from "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum", pub. Antwerp, c.1570 (coloured engraving), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Map of Alexander the Great's empire, from 'Abrahami Ortelli theatri orbis terrarum parergon', published in Antwerp in 1674 (engraving) (b/w photo) (detail), Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
A marine monster attacking a galleon (caravel). Detail of a map in “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp 1584., Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Triton and Sirene in the Mediterranean Sea. “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” by Abrahm Ortelius, Antwerp 1584., Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
Triton playing lute near the island of Saint Brendan (Brandan). “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” by Abrahm Ortelius, Antwerp 1584., Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images
representation of a marine monster mi horse mi sea snake. Plate from an edition of “Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” by cartographer Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598), 1584, Ortelius, Abraham (1527-98) / Bridgeman Images