View of the Grain Market and the Astronomical Column, Paris, 18th-19th century (w/c on paper), Nicolle, Victor Jean (1754-1826) / Bridgeman Images
Vue du Pont de la Concorde et du Palais Bourbon à Paris (graphite & w/c heightened with white on paper), Nicolle, Victor Jean (1754-1826) / Bridgeman Images
View of the Place and Fountain in the Marche des Innocents, Paris, c.1810 (w/c on paper), Nicolle, Victor Jean (1754-1826) / Bridgeman Images
View of the new Poultry Market, situated on the Quai des Augustins near the Pont-Neuf, Paris, c. 1810 (w/c), Nicolle, Victor Jean (1754-1826) / Bridgeman Images
View of the Hotel des Monnaies at the Confluence of the Two Branches of the Seine (w/c on paper), Nicolle, Victor Jean (1754-1826) / Bridgeman Images