Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) Assets (28 in total)
The First Distribution of Crosses of the Legion of Honour in the Church of the Invalides, 14th July 1804, 1812 (oil on canvas), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon and the Bavarian and Wurttemberg troops in Abensberg, 20th April 1809 (oil on canvas), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Decorating the Grenadier Lazareff at Tilsit, 8th Jult 1807 (oil on canvas), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
First distribution of the crosses of the Legion of Honour to the Church of the Invalides on July 14, 1804 (oil on canvas), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
The Acclamation of Pedro I (1798-1834) Emperor of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 7th April 1831, illustration from 'Voyage Pittoresque et Historique au Bresil', Paris, 1835 (litho) (b/w photo), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
The arrival of Maria Leopoldina of Austria in Rio de Janeiro in 1817, to marry Emperor Pedro I of Brazil. They are accompanied by King Joao VI of Portugal and his wife, Carlota Joaquina of Spain. 19th century (Painting), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Temporary Acceptance of the Lisbon Constitution, Rio de Janeiro, 1821, illustration from 'Voyage Pittoresque et Historique au Bresil', Paris, 1835 (litho) (b/w photo), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon I decorated in Tilsit (Tilsitt) the Grenadier Lazareff of the Cross of the Legion d'Honneur, July 9, 1807 (oil on canvas), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Brazil : doll at the effigy of Judas and Devil burnt on Holy Saturday,1839 (engraving), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
The Marriage of Amelie of Leuchtenberg (Amelie de Leuchtenberg, 1812-1873), 1829 (colour litho), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Native Archers, Illustration from the Travels in the Interior of Brazil, 1834 (drawing), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images
Guaycuru Indians on horseback, form Picturesque and Historic Voyage to Brazil, Brazil, 1834 (illustration), Debret, Jean Baptiste (1768-1848) / Bridgeman Images